Below are some of my favorite spots that I have written, produced, and edited thus far.

Please visit my Vimeo page if you'd like to see more! 

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Teachers Press Release

This is a promotional video that I wrote, produced, and edited for the Press Release announcement of TV Land's upcoming show Teachers.

Hot in Cleveland Horror Spot

This is a spot that I wrote, produced, and edited for online use. It was used to promote an upcoming episode for Hot in Cleveland called Murder House. The idea was to draw viewers in by promoting the episode in a way that was different from anything you'd expect from a Sitcom.

The Art Direction and Sound Engineering really made this spot come together nicely. I asked my Art Director to create something in line with Paranormal Activity, and he really nailed it! The Audio Engineer had a lot of fun with this spot as well, finding the perfect sound effects to set a tone and add life to the spot.

Hot In Cleveland 10 Million Viewers

This is a spot that I edited and co-produced for Hot In Cleveland. The show reached 10 million viewer mark, and we wanted to celebrate that! I went out with a small crew and both myself and another Producer conducted man-on-the-street interviews. This was no easy task!

First, interviewing people in Manhattan during lunchtime is extremely difficult to do. Not only did I have to step out of my comfort zone and approach strangers, but I also had to accept rejection. LOTS of rejection.

Second, we had to conduct a lot of interviews in order to get 30 seconds of usable sound bites. It's a nerve-racking thing to do because you never really know if you have enough footage until you get into the edit room. 

We also had a really quick turnaround for the spot. It had to go on air within two days of receiving the assignment.

While we were shooting interviews, the Art Director on the project went around the city shooting footage to use as backplates for the graphics. 

This was a great team effort that really paid off in the end.



Hot In Cleveland Drama

This spot was inspired by the trailer for House of Cards. My boss wanted me to created a similar spot, using sound bites to drive the piece instead of voice over. Since Hot in Cleveland is a Sitcom, she wanted to have a humorous turn at the end. 

I wrote, produced, and edited this spot. My Audio Engineer helped bring it to life with sound effects.





Hot In Cleveland Social Media Upfront

This is a spot that I wrote, produced, and edited for use at the 2014 Upfront. Ad Sales wanted a piece to show how much of a presence Hot in Cleveland had on social media, and how popular they were across various platforms.

This spot took a lot of work to put together. My Production Assistant and I spent days gathering screenshots and video from all the different social media sites that Hot in Cleveland has a presence on. We also searched for show clips to compliment the images, and serve as good transitions between sections. 

My Art Director and I worked together to figure out the best way to incorporate the still images. She did an amazing job animating the footage, and transitioning the youtube videos into the spot. We had to make sure it was very clear what platform we were highlighting. Her animation and art direction really helped make the piece so successful.  


Cedric The Entertainer - Tour Open

This is a 2 minute sizzle reel that I produced and edited for Cedric The Entertainer to use at the beginning of his Stand-Up Comedy Tour. He wanted something to promote his new show, The Soul Man, while the audience was waiting for him to come on stage.

The footage at the beginning was shot by my boss for a Behind The Music spoof used online (see below for the entire spoof video). 



The Soul Man - Behind The Music spoof

This is a Behind The Music spoof that was created for online use to promote The Soul Man. My boss shot the footage of Cedric The Entertainer as Boyce Ballentine (aka "Boyce The Voice") in his younger pop star years, before he became a Pastor.

I went through the footage and chose the best parts to create a piece that was reminiscent of VH1's Behind The Music series.

This was a lot of fun to produce and edit! 



Dance Moms - Sales Clip

I produced and edited this clip for A+E Networks' Ad Sales use. I had to take the entire 46-minute episode of Dance Moms and edit it down to a 4-minute clip. 

The Ad Sales department uses these clips during their pitches to give clients an idea of what the shows are about. The sales people usually don't have much time with the clients and they try to show numerous clips in order to sell more than one show at a time. These clips have to be short enough for them to show multiple clips quickly, but have enough content in them so that the client gets an idea of what the show is about. 

This is not an easy task! Cutting a 46-minute show down to 4 minutes is hard enough. You also have to include enough content so the clip makes sense, and enough drama to keep it interesting. 

The Soul Man Season 2 Launch

This is a spot that I wrote, produced, and edited as part of the Launch Campaign for Season 2 of The Soul Man.

This was an especially tricky spot to produce because the show was still in production, I had very little new show footage to work with. To work around this, I used footage from an interview that was done for online use, as well as Behind The Scenes footage from the previous season of the show. 

The Soul Man 2 Launch - Boyce

This is another spot that I produced, edited, and co-wrote as part of the Launch Campaign for Season 2 of The Soul Man.

Again, this was a tricky spot to produce because I had very little new show footage to work with. This time I focused on Cedric's character, and used a funny bite from the one new episode I had, as well as an older bite that we had never used in our promos before. 

Best of Hot in Cleveland

This is a 2-minute "Best of" spot that I produced and edited for the President of TV Land to use at a presentation. I had to look through 5 seasons of footage and pull out the best moments. Luckily, I had worked on a few seasons of this show before, so I had a good idea of what moments were the best. I was also given some suggestions from my co-workers, which helped a lot.

I am especially proud of this spot because it was approved immediately. Neither my boss, my boss' boss, or the President of TV Land had any changes. That's very rare, and I was really proud of myself. 

Younger Countdown

This is a :15 promo that I wrote, produced and edited for TV Land's Younger. This was originally meant for use on TV Land's digital platforms but was well received and asked to be used on-air as well.

HIstory Channel Remembers 9/11

This is a promo that I produced and edited for The History Channel's Global Event called: The History Channel Remembers: 9/11.

The Art Director and Writer created title cards that really helped enforce the mood and tone of the piece. 



TV Land's Merrython Song

I am especially proud of this spot. This was created to promote TV Land's Annual Merrython. In years past, the spots were clip based with very generic voice over. I wanted to shake things up a bit, so I wrote a spot to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas. I changed the lyrics to include situations from all of the episodes that were going to be shown in the marathon. Once I started to edit the spot, however, I found that including a countdown of images (5 awful gifts, 4 naughty Santas, etc) was incredibly hard to show without looking cluttered and chaotic. Adding bites complicated the timing of the music.

So, we decided to remove the full countdown and just use the introduction line with "Holiday TV" as the set up. We kept the last line because it was very funny and a great way to bring the spot back to the song. I'm really proud of the spot because it is something that hadn't yet been done at TV Land.

The Art Director did a great job designing the graphics for the spot. I assisted her during the shoot, which was really interesting. I got to see one of the ways that Stop Motion Animation can be created, both in the shooting process and the editing.

I wrote, produced, and edited this spot.




Spotlight on LIFETIME

I edited and co-produced this spot for the sales team at A+E Television Networks. It was a part of the "Spotlight on..." series, a series of videos to highlight different networks under the AETN umbrella. This video was used to promote the Lifetime Movie Network.

My boss conducted the interview, and the two of us went through the footage to string out the interview in a way that best got our message across. Once the interview was laid out, I screened footage from all of the Lifetime Movies that the Ad Sales team was offering to various networks. I was looking for bites and B-roll that would best compliment the interview.

The Art Director created a graphics package for the look of the series, including the lower thirds and split screens, that I had to add to the spot once the cut was completed.


The Soul Man Social Media Upfront

This is a spot that I wrote, produced, and edited for use at the 2014 Upfront. Ad Sales wanted a piece to show how much of a presence The Soul Man had on Twitter.

This spot took a lot of time and work to put together. First, my Production Assistant and I had to decide what tweets to use. Then I had to build the spot around them, using the scenes and epodes that were tweeted about the most on Twitter.

My Art Director and I worked together to figure out the best way to incorporate the tweets into the spot. She did an amazing job incorporating the screenshots into the spot in a way that was visually pleasing and interesting. 




Jane Root Intro Sizzle

This is a 1-minute sizzle that I produced and edited for internal use at an international conference. This was used to introduce the guest speaker, Jane Root, who has been the creative force behind many popular television shows and networks.

The idea was to to create a fun sizzle that showed the range of Ms. Root's work by using clips from all of the shows that she had been responsible for.

The Art Director created the end graphics as a fun and dramatic way to end the piece.


The Cosby Show Launch

This is a promo that I produced, edited, and co-wrote for The Cosby Show Launch. This was one of my first projects for TV Land and it was a lot of fun.

The idea was to create a spot to let people know that The Cosby Show was coming to TV Land. We wanted to get people excited by reminding them of how great the show is. I wanted to make sure all the most memorable episodes were represented, and show how timelessly funny the show is.

I worked with my Art Director to come up with fun animation and graphics for the top of the spot.


The Cosby Show - Rudy

This was a spot that I produced and edited as a part of The Cosby Show launch campaign. I wanted to focus on Rudy in this spot, using a lot of the funny memorable moments from the youngest member of the Huxtable family. 





The Cosby Show - Express Myself

This is another spot that I wrote, produced and edited as a part of The Cosby Show Launch campaign. I wanted to focus on the funny sounds and expressions that Bill Cosby was known for on the show. 



Hot In Cleveland Season Finale Promo

This is a :30 promo I produced and edited for the Season Finale of Hot In Cleveland.

I was asked to create something that was 'special' and different from the previous promos that were created for the show. I decided to play off the show's "Bachelorette" theme, and used music, cuts, and fades to give it a dramatic and suspenseful feel.


30 Rock on TV Land

I produced, edited, and co-wrote this spot to promote 30 Rock coming to TV Land. The most difficult part of this spot was how quickly it had to be completed. The spot aired within a day of receiving the assignment. 

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