Reflection Portal
Jaye Da'Vaughn gives reflection, insight, and foresight pertaining to the process of creating an e-portfolio from scratch. This reflection is a temporary page that of which is intended for Dr. P and my MCA 601 - Industry Theory and Practice colleagues.
Pushing Beyond Self to Better Self
“When you take Dr. P’s class, you are going to have to make an e-portfolio, you know?” Words I’ve heard from my peers and colleagues who took the infamous MCA 601 – Industry Theory and Practice course taught my Dr. P before me. Prior to working at CBS in the Digital Marketing directorate, I didn’t agree with how everything was becoming so digitally based. What happened to the hard copy, print, and tangible resources that serve as the grass roots of media? This thought and ideology is what turned me off to the premise of having an electronic portfolio.
Then, I took the course. Now while, I still believe that some entities need not be solely digitally based – because Heaven forbid the internet crashes for eternity, at this point the world would stop – right? I will say that I am emphatically and unequivocally elated that I had to take this course. This course has helped me to realize the importance, convenience, and benefit of having an e-portfolio.
At first glance, it seemed like a daunting task. However, upon getting into the groove of things, I thought – “Good old Dr. P, getting me addicted to a new internet-based platform.” I started by navigating through the various portals to get me acclimated to the template. Overall I found the service to be user friendly. However, I do believe that some aspects could be improved to meet the ‘soft-round’ interfacing that is found on various websites across the world wide-wide web (i.e. Apple Inc.). I find the site to be very square type-faced; nevertheless, I still enjoyed creating my portfolio.
The keynote benefit that I realized from e-portfolio is, more often than not, in interviews, meetings, pitch conferences, or simply selling yourself as a brand, people are swift to not believe all of your accomplishments – because they don’t have a visual to compare it upon. Perhaps, people want to see your work immediately, and you don’t have it on you. E-portfolio is an electronic – which means it can be accessed virtually anywhere connected to Internet. It is also a platform that organizes various aspects of your life that can showcase a visual effort over a verbal effort.
In totality, because we are a visual society, I find that e-portfolio was worth it. Granted, I was not looking forward to doing this assignment – in being transparent – nevertheless, I view Dr. P as a parent who set a requirement, that each of us had to meet and because of it, it is going to benefit us in the long run. For that I am thankful and looking forward to the benefits of the e-portfolio.