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Warm Greetings and Welcome to my page!

  • First name: Sylvia
  • Last name: Auguste
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  • Country: United States

About Me

My name is Sylvia Auguste, I am a Master's of Public Administration Graduate sudent and my concentration is Health Care Administration. I aspire to continue my international and domestic opportunities and help develop and expand upon health and public policies of my own as well. I really want to work on a grassroots level and help people help themselves, after my work is done. I plan on working specifically in Haiti to create clinics and recreation centers! Feel free to send me a message!

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Dr. Hillary J. Knepper, M.P.A.
18 October 2011 at 14:14

Love your Wordle Sylvia! It gives insight into Sylvia.

Noelle Randrianarivony
10 April 2011 at 14:29

Eloo :P

Michael Oleaga
17 March 2011 at 22:30

Hi Sylvia! Almost a month left before Nationals!
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PAA Blog Posts

The Never-Ending Finish Line

in PAA 601


This semester has been an experience to say the least. I can say that I believe that MPA career will speak the same. It was really my first real experience of being a “complete” graduate student. I started taking MPA classes as an undergraduate and loved it, and decided to continue. But this semester was completely different. I was at first corporate temping with an agency and by the third of the semester I started an internship with an energy renewable company. Throughout the semester I found myself analyzing and noticing some of the theories that were discussed in class. For example, Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy is one of the most compelling components for me, “Bureaucracy is the means of carrying “community action” over into rationally ordered “societal action” (Stillman, 60). I think this a crucial factor to consider. People in our society have given bureaucracy a bad name, it’s because there have been individuals who have used it for their own personal gain. Bureaucracy has been sometimes used interchangeably with tyranny and “big government.” As a public administrator I hope to help an organization establish or continue a solid ground based on the proper assessment and implementation of policies that will assist the people. I think Dwight Waldo’s theory on ethics speaks to this as well. Since we live in a capitalist society many people have lost their sense of morality or speak there mistakenly to support their opinion using their morals which they believe is ethics. I believe that we need to bring back principles and hardworking people who are here for the good of the people. It is time for people to change their mindset of “I” in regards to the services that they provide to the public, and change it into “we”, because at the end of the day we put leaders into power to vocalize the needs and set an objective standard for our society. Whether a corporation, elected position, or within an organization, narcissism needs to stop in order for things in our society to function the way that it should.
With this said I will be a public administrator who sets a standard and lives by it. I hope to continue researching practices that have failed and succeeded in order to learn from them. Since I want to work internationally by assisting a country create or tweak their current health policies, I think that the information and hands-on experience that I am getting now will greatly assist me. I am excitedly awaiting the challenges that are ahead of me both academically and professional. I consider this a sculpting moment for me. I am learning, apply, and adapting to challenges that I come across, in order to have a continuously groomed final product.

Running on Empty

in PAA 601

Like everything in life, there will be a time where you hit a roadblock. However, there are two options, make your way through the roadblock or turn back and give up. I believe that public administrators will know how to withstand when things are tough. Passion and drive will help public administrators keep their enthusiasm. Working in the public sector is a very difficult and trying position to have, but its worth it. I will admit that some go into public administration in order to gain profits and a stable job, however, I think that those people will have a rude awakening. There will be moments where things don’t go right and people are counting you to make them right. There will be moments where you have no energy and feel like you have no ounce of strength within you, but you have to keep pressing on.

In order for public administrators to keep up with what is going on in the world and keep up with the growing trends, they need to step outside their offices.They need to get involved with the community and individuals that they are serving. Basically they need to get their hands dirty.It has been proven that public administrators who see what their consumers are going through and work from the bottom up in regards to their hierarchical structure are more aware. They will be aware of any dilemmas that the institutions that they are working for are facing and what changes need to be made overall. It is when the organization becomes rigid and unadaptive that structural issues occur.

I believe that the concept of ethics, morality, and leadership are some of the main topics that I learned from this course that I think would be most relevant.  We live in a day and age where corruption and unethical behavior run rampant. People have forgotten their sense of morality in order to earn money and status at any cost. I want to use some of theories that I have learned in order to help any organization that I work for have a level head. In addition, it’s best to know your hierarchical structure, dilemmas, consumers, competitors, in order to truly support and assist those in need and do your job correctly.

Help me help myself!

in PAA 650

Feasibility, politics, quality, and accessibility have been at the forefront of debate. This has been noticeably prevalent in the case of what some call “OBAMACARE” which in actuality is called the Affordable Care Act. Many people have made it into a political innuendo; President Obama has it created in order to “penny pinch” insurance companies and make the economy unstable?! In my opinion, one of the greatest obstacles that the United States health care system faces is politics taking precedence over the need of the people. With constant debates, turmoil, and lack of connectivity between congress and the executive branch of government, many people are paying the cost. It seems so surreal that the people that we elected into office and thought would vocalize our needs the best, cannot seem to remember and take action for our needs. I believe that in order for the U.S. health system to get back in order, we need to put politics aside and properly arrange funding. We fund things that are not necessarily important to the needs of the people but are for the needs of rhetoric and personal agendas. Whenever something needs to be cut, education and health services are the first to go.

          Now where do I fit into this whole thing? I want to help people meet and establish their health needs on a grassroots level that is sustainable. We live in an unknown and ever changing global economy. We need to develop a way that people can help themselves, and not be in fear of what will happen tomorrow. I want to help citizens of any country that is in need, develop policies that are attainable and practicable for them. I think it is unreasonable for me to go into a country and say, “This way or the high way!” Health care is a system that is constantly evolving but yet the same. Not every health care system whether in a developed or developing country needs to be changed, some just need to be applicable. I want to help countries that need my help create policies, initiatives, and awareness that helps them help themselves. Dependency can be a great thing, but not always. I would prefer to help someone to stand on their own and call me when they need me than to seek me at every waking moment and at times I am nowhere to be found. I seek to aid the world in helping itself.

Sounding the Alarm

in PAA 650

Good news is no news; bad news is front page news. The media has played the role of creating panic not sensibility. Regrettably so, when health care administrators make a mistake it’s the main story to be displayed. Most of the time, journalists look over some of the successes that are made from day to day, forgetting that everything takes time and effort. Our society has mandated an image of perfection that is not attainable, yet we strive for it. Especially in the expansion of technology, fact and fact spread quickly. Sometimes I believe the media adds to this by playing telephone with the facts, and manipulating the information at hand until it reaches a point where it’s unrecognizable. But to every cloud there is a silver lining.  Many health organizations, private, individual, or governmental, have used many social media outlets to reach the people. For example, I follow many health organizations that are on Twitter such as the Department of Health, the Mayo Clinic, UNAIDS, and several international coalitions to raise awareness. I try to play my part by retweeting or forwarding the information to some of the people that follow me or those who are close to me. I believe that as a citizen of the world, I need to play my part in educating the world about what is going on and who needs what information. I firmly believe that if you are not looking for a solution to the world’s dilemmas than you are only adding to the problem. It’s great that these organizations and even elected officials are using common forms of communication to get connected to the necessary people. Unfortunately, more people go on Facebook and Twitter than those who vote and read new updates from their elected officials. This is a very poignant time of change, health administrators are noticing that they need to get to the people because some consumers are unwilling or unable to get to them. As a future health administrator, I have started to add to the solution and remove myself from the problem.

Why an MPA?

in PAA 601

The reason why I chose an MPA is because I have always felt the need to help people but a vast amount of people. I feel that an MPA will help me achieve my goals of creating clinics and recreation centers in Haiti. The reason why I chose the health care concentration is because I want to go from health administration in a possible hospital setting or health services setting and work internationally to help other countries tweak their health care system at a grass roots level when needed. I want people to able to help themselves after my work is done. I have strong ties to helping people because of the people that have helped me along the way throughout my life. I have close ties to Haiti, I'm Haitian, and I am driven by the events that have occurred during and after the earthquake. I want to use my degree to use all of the policies and knowledge that I have gathered throughout my classes to be an effective leader and contributor. I hope that this course will not lose sight of the people when politics get involved, we are all human, just different ideologies.


Dying in the Shadows

in PAA 650

We live in the society where money and politics rule over the human life like death. The reason why I say thing is because many people in our country, one of the richest countries in the world to say the least, have to choose between fixing our cars and going to the doctor. Putting food on the table or getting a yearly mammogram. It sounds weird right? Most people are unaware of the pitfalls of the American Health System because as Americans we always seem to be running to other countries to help provide medical care and assistance. But we can't even help ourselves? I think it's sad and unfortunate that our wealth is so dominant on the forefront, but people are dying the shadows. I thought that once a president was elected things would be able to run smoothly with our health system. I never expected that President Obama would get such a backlash from so many political parties and citizens when he created "Obama care." I understand that so many people wanted jobs to be put in the forefront of his plan, but how are you supposed to work if you are ill or you are unable to take on the necessary hours at work to take care of your family because you have a child or elderly parent at home who has no insurance to cover their medical needs? I have even personally experienced a couple times in my life how it is to live without health insurance. I still have medical billings that are in collections. It's during periods where my mother's insurance from her former employer did not cover all of the expenses of a need doctor’s visit. I have not even had moments that I decided not to go to the doctor because the co-pay for a procedure that I needed to have done required weekly doctor's visits and money that I did not have, nor did my mom. I think in order for us to understand the health system or find a solution, we need to have stricter policies that make both private and public insurance companies need to cover needed procedures. Not procedures that they "feel" is appropriate but need to speak to the primary physician of the individual and find other alternatives if it is too expense. Politics rule everything that needs to be improved in the United States, let's put politics aside and move on the basic human need and ethics.



The Never-Ending Finish Line

Posted on 8 December 2011 at 11:42


This semester has been an experience to say the least. I can say that I believe that MPA career will speak the same. It was really my first real experience of being a “complete” graduate student. I started taking MPA classes as an undergraduate and loved it, and decided to continue. But this semester was completely different. I was at first corporate temping with an agency and by the third of the semester I started an internship with an energy renewable company. Throughout the semester I found myself analyzing and noticing some of the theories that were discussed in class. For example, Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy is one of the most compelling components for me, “Bureaucracy is the means of carrying “community action” over into rationally ordered “societal action” (Stillman, 60). I think this a crucial factor to consider. People in our society have given bureaucracy a bad name, it’s because there have been individuals who have used it for their own personal gain. Bureaucracy has been sometimes used interchangeably with tyranny and “big government.” As a public administrator I hope to help an organization establish or continue a solid ground based on the proper assessment and implementation of policies that will assist the people. I think Dwight Waldo’s theory on ethics speaks to this as well. Since we live in a capitalist society many people have lost their sense of morality or speak there mistakenly to support their opinion using their morals which they believe is ethics. I believe that we need to bring back principles and hardworking people who are here for the good of the people. It is time for people to change their mindset of “I” in regards to the services that they provide to the public, and change it into “we”, because at the end of the day we put leaders into power to vocalize the needs and set an objective standard for our society. Whether a corporation, elected position, or within an organization, narcissism needs to stop in order for things in our society to function the way that it should.
With this said I will be a public administrator who sets a standard and lives by it. I hope to continue researching practices that have failed and succeeded in order to learn from them. Since I want to work internationally by assisting a country create or tweak their current health policies, I think that the information and hands-on experience that I am getting now will greatly assist me. I am excitedly awaiting the challenges that are ahead of me both academically and professional. I consider this a sculpting moment for me. I am learning, apply, and adapting to challenges that I come across, in order to have a continuously groomed final product.

Running on Empty

Posted on 8 December 2011 at 8:03

Like everything in life, there will be a time where you hit a roadblock. However, there are two options, make your way through the roadblock or turn back and give up. I believe that public administrators will know how to withstand when things are tough. Passion and drive will help public administrators keep their enthusiasm. Working in the public sector is a very difficult and trying position to have, but its worth it. I will admit that some go into public administration in order to gain profits and a stable job, however, I think that those people will have a rude awakening. There will be moments where things don’t go right and people are counting you to make them right. There will be moments where you have no energy and feel like you have no ounce of strength within you, but you have to keep pressing on.

In order for public administrators to keep up with what is going on in the world and keep up with the growing trends, they need to step outside their offices.They need to get involved with the community and individuals that they are serving. Basically they need to get their hands dirty.It has been proven that public administrators who see what their consumers are going through and work from the bottom up in regards to their hierarchical structure are more aware. They will be aware of any dilemmas that the institutions that they are working for are facing and what changes need to be made overall. It is when the organization becomes rigid and unadaptive that structural issues occur.

I believe that the concept of ethics, morality, and leadership are some of the main topics that I learned from this course that I think would be most relevant.  We live in a day and age where corruption and unethical behavior run rampant. People have forgotten their sense of morality in order to earn money and status at any cost. I want to use some of theories that I have learned in order to help any organization that I work for have a level head. In addition, it’s best to know your hierarchical structure, dilemmas, consumers, competitors, in order to truly support and assist those in need and do your job correctly.

Why an MPA?

Posted on 6 October 2011 at 19:00

The reason why I chose an MPA is because I have always felt the need to help people but a vast amount of people. I feel that an MPA will help me achieve my goals of creating clinics and recreation centers in Haiti. The reason why I chose the health care concentration is because I want to go from health administration in a possible hospital setting or health services setting and work internationally to help other countries tweak their health care system at a grass roots level when needed. I want people to able to help themselves after my work is done. I have strong ties to helping people because of the people that have helped me along the way throughout my life. I have close ties to Haiti, I'm Haitian, and I am driven by the events that have occurred during and after the earthquake. I want to use my degree to use all of the policies and knowledge that I have gathered throughout my classes to be an effective leader and contributor. I hope that this course will not lose sight of the people when politics get involved, we are all human, just different ideologies.


3 entries


Help me help myself!

Posted on 5 December 2011 at 21:26

Feasibility, politics, quality, and accessibility have been at the forefront of debate. This has been noticeably prevalent in the case of what some call “OBAMACARE” which in actuality is called the Affordable Care Act. Many people have made it into a political innuendo; President Obama has it created in order to “penny pinch” insurance companies and make the economy unstable?! In my opinion, one of the greatest obstacles that the United States health care system faces is politics taking precedence over the need of the people. With constant debates, turmoil, and lack of connectivity between congress and the executive branch of government, many people are paying the cost. It seems so surreal that the people that we elected into office and thought would vocalize our needs the best, cannot seem to remember and take action for our needs. I believe that in order for the U.S. health system to get back in order, we need to put politics aside and properly arrange funding. We fund things that are not necessarily important to the needs of the people but are for the needs of rhetoric and personal agendas. Whenever something needs to be cut, education and health services are the first to go.

          Now where do I fit into this whole thing? I want to help people meet and establish their health needs on a grassroots level that is sustainable. We live in an unknown and ever changing global economy. We need to develop a way that people can help themselves, and not be in fear of what will happen tomorrow. I want to help citizens of any country that is in need, develop policies that are attainable and practicable for them. I think it is unreasonable for me to go into a country and say, “This way or the high way!” Health care is a system that is constantly evolving but yet the same. Not every health care system whether in a developed or developing country needs to be changed, some just need to be applicable. I want to help countries that need my help create policies, initiatives, and awareness that helps them help themselves. Dependency can be a great thing, but not always. I would prefer to help someone to stand on their own and call me when they need me than to seek me at every waking moment and at times I am nowhere to be found. I seek to aid the world in helping itself.

Sounding the Alarm

Posted on 5 December 2011 at 20:56

Good news is no news; bad news is front page news. The media has played the role of creating panic not sensibility. Regrettably so, when health care administrators make a mistake it’s the main story to be displayed. Most of the time, journalists look over some of the successes that are made from day to day, forgetting that everything takes time and effort. Our society has mandated an image of perfection that is not attainable, yet we strive for it. Especially in the expansion of technology, fact and fact spread quickly. Sometimes I believe the media adds to this by playing telephone with the facts, and manipulating the information at hand until it reaches a point where it’s unrecognizable. But to every cloud there is a silver lining.  Many health organizations, private, individual, or governmental, have used many social media outlets to reach the people. For example, I follow many health organizations that are on Twitter such as the Department of Health, the Mayo Clinic, UNAIDS, and several international coalitions to raise awareness. I try to play my part by retweeting or forwarding the information to some of the people that follow me or those who are close to me. I believe that as a citizen of the world, I need to play my part in educating the world about what is going on and who needs what information. I firmly believe that if you are not looking for a solution to the world’s dilemmas than you are only adding to the problem. It’s great that these organizations and even elected officials are using common forms of communication to get connected to the necessary people. Unfortunately, more people go on Facebook and Twitter than those who vote and read new updates from their elected officials. This is a very poignant time of change, health administrators are noticing that they need to get to the people because some consumers are unwilling or unable to get to them. As a future health administrator, I have started to add to the solution and remove myself from the problem.

Dying in the Shadows

Posted on 27 September 2011 at 19:06

We live in the society where money and politics rule over the human life like death. The reason why I say thing is because many people in our country, one of the richest countries in the world to say the least, have to choose between fixing our cars and going to the doctor. Putting food on the table or getting a yearly mammogram. It sounds weird right? Most people are unaware of the pitfalls of the American Health System because as Americans we always seem to be running to other countries to help provide medical care and assistance. But we can't even help ourselves? I think it's sad and unfortunate that our wealth is so dominant on the forefront, but people are dying the shadows. I thought that once a president was elected things would be able to run smoothly with our health system. I never expected that President Obama would get such a backlash from so many political parties and citizens when he created "Obama care." I understand that so many people wanted jobs to be put in the forefront of his plan, but how are you supposed to work if you are ill or you are unable to take on the necessary hours at work to take care of your family because you have a child or elderly parent at home who has no insurance to cover their medical needs? I have even personally experienced a couple times in my life how it is to live without health insurance. I still have medical billings that are in collections. It's during periods where my mother's insurance from her former employer did not cover all of the expenses of a need doctor’s visit. I have not even had moments that I decided not to go to the doctor because the co-pay for a procedure that I needed to have done required weekly doctor's visits and money that I did not have, nor did my mom. I think in order for us to understand the health system or find a solution, we need to have stricter policies that make both private and public insurance companies need to cover needed procedures. Not procedures that they "feel" is appropriate but need to speak to the primary physician of the individual and find other alternatives if it is too expense. Politics rule everything that needs to be improved in the United States, let's put politics aside and move on the basic human need and ethics.


3 entries

Training and Development Blog RSS

Mission Accomplished

Posted on 12 April 2011 at 18:32

We have completed our project on time and have made the final arrangements. I hope the class is ready to get interactive with this whole thing. We will be doing a dual presentation in real time!

Filming Complete

Posted on 10 April 2011 at 12:39

We finally finished off our filming portion of the project. Of course there was confusion about what we should include and what should be removed. However, in the long run we were able to accomplish our goals. I would say more but, that would defeat the purpose of having a (surprise) presentation!

In regards to our paper,  we were able to establish who will do what and what else neds to be done!

Until next time folks! :)

Putting Everything Together

Posted on 29 March 2011 at 0:50

We decided that we will make a thirty minute presentation on Video and Music Production. This week we are finalizing all of our ideas that we have been brainstorming by putting into action. We will be recording our videos and having kind of a "sound off" and then go from there. I'm excited to see what happens next! Stay tuned...

3 entries