Text box

The purpose of New York Tasty is to recommend hot dog and pizza shops to people who enjoy that kind of food. The reviews are written in a snarky, sarcastic tone that any New Yorker should appreciate. I formatted the page in a pyramid shape starting with the toolbar at the top of the page, expanding down to the NY TASTY banner, then the horizontal lines and the content of the webpage.

Not a lot has changed from my original flowchart idea. The Fan Reaction page has gone through some name changes; from Fans to Testimonials to the one it is currently called. The first design of the Reviews page has also different from the finished product. Initially a user would click on the Reviews section and be presented with a pizza or hot dog, they could then click either one which would take them to a list of reviews for pizza shops or hot dog shops. Now when a user clicks Reviews it takes them directly to the lists because I did not feel like making a user jump through hoops to get where they wanted.

I was adamant on making all links to external websites open in a separate window, so that the user still remained tethered to NY Tasty. The only real difficulty I had with this is the Google maps in the reviews. The code for that is very long and complicated, so I had to be careful where I placed target=”_blank”.

What I am most proud of is the JavaScript that switches the banners at the top of the page with every visit. It is a nice little surprise for users that they get something new each time they come to NY Tasty. I have also hidden at least one Easter egg in the website for users to discover. If you are going to visit my website I suggest you use Google Chrome or Mozilla, Internet Explorer does not do it justice.

Here is a link to the website:
