About me


My name is John Giltinan and this is my e-portfolio. Through intrepid perusing of my pages you will discover both my academic and professional successes. There may not be much to see at this time, but I believe it is quality not quantity that matters. That being said, I encourage repeat visits to see what interesting new document I have uploaded since last you were here. Feel free to take your time, but I must insist that you at least have fun on your sojourn in the wonderful e-portfolio of John.

John Giltinan's portfolios

2 portfolios

John Giltinan's groups

John Giltinan's friends

17 friends

John Giltinan's wall

Alina Yurova
December 10, 2012 at 10:33 AM

I agree with Dr P, it is a very nice picture! You look very happy!

Zachary Lubitz
December 10, 2012 at 9:57 AM

I really like the layout of your portfolio. Add a little bit more writing and expand on your ideas!

December 6, 2012 at 10:28 AM

Excellent photo John! Dr P
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