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Alex Croce's portfolios

3 portfolios

Papers and Projects

Alex Croce

Pace Prep Course

The Creativity Crisis


            Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman’s article in “Newsweek” “The Creativity Crisis,”  brought forward something that I had never heard of before; divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is the process of generating various unique ideas, while the Convergent thinking process combines those unique ideas into the best result. From previous knowledge I know that our brain is the control center of all the body’s functions. This includes walking, talking, swallowing, breathing, taste, smell, etc. However, in addition to those, it also controls all of our thinking functions, our emotions, how we behave, along with all of our intellectual activities; such as how we perceive and understand the world and its physical surroundings, how we learn and remember and so on. All of these bodily functions and processes are unique to themselves and creativity is a process, that according to Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman has been lacking or as they said; “With creativity, a reverse trend has just been identified and is being reported for the first time here: American creativity scores are falling.”
            I feel that creativity and learning in modern times has not been lacking in our youth nor adulthood in the United States, but rather other countries and generations before ours are more competitive due to the fact they weren’t as lazy! Creativity and the ability to learn are perceived differently person to person, each defining it on their own terms. In my opinion, in order for someone to be creative, all they have to do is find what they are good at and the creativeness will come to them in different ways. In “ The Creativity Crisis,” they mention, “Creativity requires constant shifting, blender pulses of both divergent thinking and convergent thinking, to combine new information with old and forgotten ideas. Highly creative people are very good at marshaling their brains into bilateral mode, and the more creative they are, the more they dual-activate.” I agree with this statement. In order to be creative you must be able to not only combine both thinking processes, but you must also exercise your mind. A point brought upon in the article that really stuck with me is when they expressed their belief that the means in which we are being taught, is the reason for our generation lacking the creativity gene. I would agree with this statement. The way our curriculum is composed today is not accommodating, nor modern enough to keep up with the usage of technology that would best suit our generation and their style of learning and apprehending such things.

In my experience, under the circumstances in which I was taught, I cannot express to you how many times in class I would doze off because the teacher had no emotion or passion for what they were teaching, along with the way they taught it. I reason that our school systems would benefit from changing the way they teach students at all grade levels. Technology is key. If each school incorporated technology in an interactive way I think students would stay focused and be more involved in the class. Creativity and learning aren’t lacking, but the way we are being taught is too primitive. I don’t think our creativeness will continue to lack if the school systems change the way in which they teach. Creativeness is instated in everybody, it just takes the right surroundings and self-motivation to embody this creativity and put it to use.



Final Reflection

Alex Croce

Pace prep 2013


 English Module Final

            In this English module I have learned a lot of valuable skills and lessons that I can bring to my studies at pace for the next 5 years. I am happy that I took this course because it has showed me what to expect for some work in college and it really does prepare you for the transition from high school to college. As a first year student at Pace, it definitely can be nerve racking to think that I am going to be living on my own for the next 4 years, this course has calmed my nerves slightly because it has given me a snippet of what to expect.

            It is interesting for me to write about these different topics, because at first when I started to read them I wasn’t that interested but when I kept reading the articles I was interested. As a reader, having an Etext book was very different but very useful, I was able to make highlights and notes right on the book and this was very helpful to me when I had to go back and write the assignment.

            The reading tat engaged me most was “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” because it was a very relatable topic to me.  I ask myself often what life would be like without the Internet and how people used to go day by day without any smartphones or apps or all of this new technology. This article was very engaging to me because I understood what the author was saying although not all of the points were ones I would agree with. This piece was very persuasive because it wanted to make the reader think, Is the internet really making me stupid? I wouldn’t go that far, but more along the lines of making us lazy. I really enjoyed reading this article because it deals with an issue that affects me and everyone around me.

            This ePortfolio demonstrates me as a learner the type of person I am; hardworking. I am very hardworking at whatever I do, if I’m not the best in someone else’s eyes I don’t care because I know how hard I am working and that is satisfying enough. I show my accomplishments and the portfolio has the work I completed during the English module. I am a determined learned, determined to be successful. My outlook on education is; there is no such thing as learned enough, I can always learn more no matter how old I am.

            As a writer I hope I become better at finding the right fluency to engage my audience no matter the situation. At Pace I hope I can learn to write differently than I do today, I want to become a confident writer and not worry about someone critiquing my work because it doesn’t make sense. I hope Pace’s English courses can help me learn to become the strong and confident writer I wish to become. I hope I can take forward these skills and use them in my career and showcase the type of writer I am. 

Importance of Creativity

Outside Source:

Citation: Popova, Maria. Brain Picking Sponsor: Amazon Services LLC Associates Program 2013 Web

retrieved July 19th, 2013


Writing Enhanced Courses

Here is some info on Writing Enhanced Courses...

Course Listing

Spring 2014:
MAT 103Algebra
ECO 106Principles of Economics: Micro
ENG 120Critical Writing
INT 198LFaith, Society, Conflict

Fall 2013:
REG 01Pending Registration
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
UNV 101First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
MAT 103Algebra
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
ENG 110Composition
PSY 112Introduction to Psychology