Cover Letter

January 3, 2014


John Jennings, Human Resource Coordinator

Blue Hill and Blue Hill

Tarrytown, NY



Dear Mr. Jennings,


I am writing to express my interest in interning in your company for this upcoming spring for the semester of 2014. I would like this position because I would like to have this position because I would like this position because I have always wanted to work in a restaurant setting that has a well-known reputation, such as Blue Hill and Blue Hill, while dealing with hospitality and customer service. I learned about this internship through E- Recruiting, provided by Pace University.

 I am a junior, currently majoring in Marketing and majoring in communications. I was raised in a traditional Mexican household where I grew up with the appreciation for good food, hospitality and culture. Most of my work experience comes from retail and customer service. My time working at The Funplex, Bakers, and Express has taught me the value of customers and how important is to make a good first impression on them. I will take these skills to make sure to provide the proper customer service for your clients. While studying at Pace University, I have taken business and communication courses that have showed me how to market research and how to utilize social media for business. I have also taken up positions in organizations at my university that has taught me important leadership skills.

I have provided my resume where more information is enclosed. Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.



      Sonia Vazquez 

Twitter Observation

     Networks such as Facebook and Twitter are sites that the public uses to interact with friends and family. However, social media is not only for entertainment. It gives the average person a great way to broaden his/her network without having to meet people in person. Not only can you follow people, you can also follow organizations that can benefit you in your field of study. Just by taking a glimpse at a person’s page, you can learn a lot about them and maybe even pick up a pointer or two that can help you in your professional field. Twitter can help me view profiles that are related to marketing. By analyzing and observing marketing related twitter accounts, I am able to view what the marketing business field is about and get a feel for it. By looking at a conversation, I can pick up on useful vocabulary that is used in an everyday business conversation.  When I scroll through their pictures, I can see what the proper business attire is. You can connect yourself with more people who are associated with marketing.

     When I click on David Meerman Scott’s page, also known as dmscott on Twitter, the first thing I see on his page is a picture of him presenting some kind of data to an unknown audience. That one picture can sum up what most of his page is based on. His bio states that he is a marketing & sales strategist, keynote speaker, and a bestselling author of 9 books. He currently is residing in Boston, MA. In his bio, he also includes a link to his personalized website, where you can learn more about him. When I look at his tweets, he keeps his vocabulary simple, but professional. A tweet was about a CBS article and a short comment about it (Meerman). He follows a list of very interesting people that are in business, but he also follows people who have interests different then his own. Besides following other professional marketers, he also follows people who are writers, directors, spokes people on radio stations, CEO’s, and even someone that lives in Germany. He tweets about business articles, slide shows, marketing videos, the places that he has been to and about the places that he plans on going. His pictures also include places and people he has met from his conferences. However, his page is not all about business. He does include tweets that have to deal with non- business activities such as hiking and scuba diving, while still keeping it professional. You can conclude from this that he is a well-rounded person who has knowledge of other topics and activities besides business. 

     A marketing organization that I found was Marketing Cloud. Most of the visuals on their profile have to do with social networking and examples of marketing. They tweet about the trending marketing methods that are being used with the current major events, such as the Olympics. In order to market the Olympic games to their followers, they incorporated pictures of events that are in the Olympics with natural scenery for the background; along with the distinguished five-ring symbol. The caption talked about the Olympics and included hastags, which allows people to see other things on twitter that have to do with this topic. From fashion to football, this profile has everything that has to deal with marketing and media. It can interest both men and women. They also posted strategies you can use and articles that have to do with advertising and your marketing skills. The people who mainly follow this page have professions in business or are interested in marketing.

     Along with other social networks, Twitter is a tool for marketing, communication and networking. By using the right colors, titles, background and visuals, you can attract people to follow you. You can show and tell anything that you want your followers and prospective audience to see. By building a network, you attain the opportunity to know a number of people and organizations that you can relate with. But also try to be open to other types of profiles because marketing is much more than just visuals. It also has to deal with creative writing and research. The job of a marketer has to deal with all these components and your page should reflect these components. Your work is not done when you have completed creating your profile. It is important to have a lot of activity on your page. The more pictures, videos and tweets you post, the more people are going to be going on your page to comment or retweet your post.  That is when people will know that they can always depend on you to have new reliable material. Along with networking, Twitter is a good way to handle your public relations. Popular profiles and organizations hash tag influential eco-friendly and charity-giving organizations. This makes the person or group look like a great supporter of the environment and activism. This can bring positive publicity and gives the profiles a well-known reputation. You can build your reputation up the same way.

      What I learned about my profession is that marketing is all about networking, presentation and originality. If you have a profile online, make sure it appeals and gets the attention of wanted followers. You have to make yourself stand out from other profiles and sell yourself, or you may get overlooked. You can take advantage of the page and include in your bio, experience, links and profile names to other sites you have. The kind of followers you should want is people and organizations that will benefit you in your profession. One reason is because your profile is a great way to network and market yourself without having to meet people in person. You can also follow their followers that are on their profile. Follow organizations that have tips and articles on marketing and business. Also, make sure that people who have access to your page is an audience you want to be associating yourself with. Follow people that you are able to have a conversation with about business topics and learn from that so that it can benefit you. You can start to build a relationship from there and develop your network. Reputation is everything, so you have to make sure to have tweets and media that are appropriate. Twitter is all about marketing and building a profile for yourself or an organization. This can all be done by just a simple click of a button. 

Table of Contents

1. Cover Letter

2. Twitter Observation 

3. Abstract to reserach paper

4. Research Paper: Sex in Marketing

5. Blogs 

Abstract for Sex in Marketing

Marketing is an element that surrounds us on an everyday basis. Unconsciously, our minds absorb what we see in advertisements and analyze it in different ways. But there are some similarities in the way that it affects young teenage girls. In this paper, it explains in detail how sex in advertisements generally has a negative impact on young girls. It discusses how sex in advertisements give girls the wrong idea as to how they should act and dress, especially when regarding the opposite sex. It also explains how more girls are getting pregnant at a young age and developing eating disorders because of the influence they get from the media. 


Marketing On the Go

     Marketing now has no limitations as to how far they can market to a customer. From the very beginning, marketing has always incorporated visuals such a billboards and posters. The invention of the radio allowed for advertisements to be promoted on a larger scale. Then came the invention of television that combined both visuals and audio to an advertisement. Now, it’s the 21st century and technology has advanced greatly.

      One of the many technical advances has been the invention of the cell phone. People are no longer tied down to a computer at home or a phone home. Everything is basically mobile. Including marketing. With the use of text messaging, marketers are now able to reach the public through text messages when the consumer is registered in their system. An example would be Mandees. At the register, they have signs promoting discounts if you text a certain phrase to their company. Once the company has a personal cell phone number, they are able to text more promotions and discounts to make the customer go back and buy more from their store.

      By customers having access to the Internet through their cell phones, this allows them to view websites on the go. Which is why companies with websites have created mobile versions of their websites to make it easier for consumers to view and shop their products/services. The inernet has also allowed people to be able to check their email on their phones. Many companies take advantage of this and send out coupons and specials; the same way they would send out a text message. Customers can later show the coupon in the store without having to print anything out. Everything can be done by a touch of a finger. 


Social Media and Marketing 

     Social media has become the new face of marketing. No longer are companies limited to billboards and television commercials. With the invention of the Internet, social networks were created so that people can communicate with each other without the need of slow mail or phone calls. The Internet makes things instant. As soon as someone posts up an idea or image on Facebook or Twitter, it can be shared and made known to others. It works as well as word of mouth. Everything is just in text or an image.

      That is why social media is such an excellent tool for advertising and marketing. Companies are able to create their own page on networks. Some popular networks being used are  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pintrest. All of these networks make it possible for companies to post up announcements relating to specials or promotions of a product. They can also post up images of the product or people using their service or product. The public is then able to access the page and see all the activity that is on the company’s page.

      Consumers can now directly interact with the company and voice out their opinions and comments on a product and service. They are able to like pages and posts that are made by the company. Thus, giving feedback to the company, which will later help with improving their products. Consumers can also help market a brand by posting up pictures of them using a product or by incorporating a hash tag in a posts that will relate it to the company or product. No matter what the intention, anything that is posted up on social networks is accessible by everyone in the world.