About Me


I am a marketing major, minoring in communications and currently a senior. Since I am the first one in my family to go to college, I knew that I wanted to make the best out of my college experience. Besides meeting new people and having fun, I know that it is my responsibility to absorb information that I am given in a classroom, as well as out of the classroom. Like many say, it's not what you learned that takes you far, it's how you apply it. I know that having a degree is important in today's society, but I also know that experience is also valued. In my three completed years at Pace University, I have been very involved in my sorority and in clubs on campus. By being active on campus, I have developed myself as a person. I now know how to depend more on myself and be more independent. I have experienced that working with others and networking can take you a long way. By holding positions, I have improved my leadership and communication skills, which I know will benefit me in the future. I am glad to say that I have came a long way since freshmen year and I hope to keep on growing and learning in this last year that I have left at Pace University.  


To find what you seek in the road of life,
the best proverb of all is that which says:
"Leave no stone unturned."
-Edward Bulwer Lytton

Sonia Vazquez's portfolios

My Insight into Marketing and Techniques

Here are some essays I wrote for my English 201 course. 


I have had the privilege to travel to some parts of the world. The trips have given me great expe...
5 portfolios



The Funplex, East Hannover, NJ                                                                                                 September 2009- October 2010

  • Overlooked the children playing on the rides and kept order.
  • In charge of managing the Magic Quest store
  • Cashier

Bakers, Livingston, NJ                                                                                                                         November 2010- May 2011

Sales Associate

  • Managed sums of money as a cashier
  • Tracked inventory shipments
  • Organized the store

Express, Livingston, NJ                                                                                                                         May 2011- Present

Sales Associate

  • Managed sums of money as a cashier
  • Helped process inventory
  • Assisted with floor set, as well as managed the display windows and style the mannequins
  • Updated marketing signs


 Pace University, Pleasantville, NY            May 2015

Bachelor of Business Administration

Major: Marketing, Minor: Communications • Concentration: Advertising, Promotion and Public Relations.


-Principles of Marketing:

  • Examined marketing's place in the firm and in society
  • Considered and analyzed marketing research and strategies for product development, pricing, physical distribution and promotion.

-Social through the Media:

  • Examined the impact social media has on communication in the Web 2.0 world.
  • Actively used blogs, Storify, Twitter, Eportfolios and other Web 2.0 tools for projects and presentations.

-Fundamentals of Advertising and Promotion:

  • Learned in detail the role of advertising and sales promotion in marketing programs.
  • Worked on an advertising campaign that was assigned by planning and executing advertising programs.

- Media Planning and buying

  • Studied the formulation of media objectives, strategies, tactics, budgets, and schedules.
  • Created a campaign for a product to promote item. Discussed how to use various social media networks and other communication tools.

- Marketing Research:

  • Used a syndicated database to evaluate the relationship between multiple demographics and the type of sports beverage consumed.
  • Formulated results into Microsoft Power Points in addition to Excel graphs and presented it to the professor.


Computer:MS (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and WordPress

Languages: Fluent in writing and speaking Spanish


Senator of UPC

  • Attend weekly SGA meetings: responsible for representing UPC and being their voice at this senate.
  • Take notes during the SGA meetings and report it back to UPC meetings every week.

Sigma Iota Chi (Executive board positions)


  • In charge of taking notes during the meetings and in keeping advisors informed of our decisions and actions.

Philanthropy chair:

  • Organizes and manages events on and off campus that relate to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer.



  • Make sure that everyone on Eboard works cooperatively, as well as report back to and work along side the club’s advisor to set up conferences which helps inform and give students a better insight into specific business majors

Vice President:

  • Worked along side the president and represent the president when not available.  


Personal information

Date of birth October 9, 1992 at 1:00 AM
Place of birth Orange, New Jersey
Gender identity Woman

Education history

West Orange High School

September 2007 - June 2011

Pace University

September 2011 - June 2015

My Personal Reflection on Social Media

Posted on May 6, 2013 at 9:10 PM

Being a business major, concentration in marketing, I knew that social media played a role in how information is presented to the public. Taking the social media course helped me understand this concept in a more detailed aspect. It made me realize the positives and negatives of social media; how it could ruin a company’s or an employee’s reputation. Or how social media can be a free and effective way of advertising and getting your ideas out to the public. Social media is at the tip of everyone’s finger.


The class as a whole was a rewarding experience. I was introduced to other social networks that I never used or that I didn’t even know existed. Examples would be Storify,  and Eportfolio. Most of these websites were easy and straightforward. Except for Eportfolio. I have never worked with anything like so it was a little difficult for me when it came to constructing my page. But I did what you do when you are first introduced to something, learn and practice the subject. Soon enough, I got the hang of it and I was able to produce a decent portfolio. Just knowing that I can overcome this obstacle makes me even more confident in myself when it comes to working with technology. Technology is always advancing and social media will only become more enhanced. That is why, it is important to master the art of social media, and this class showed me how. 

Sonia Vazquez's groups

Recent journal entries

My Personal Reflection on Social Media

in Journal

Being a business major, concentration in marketing, I knew that social media played a role in how information is presented to the public. Taking the social media course helped me understand this concept in a more detailed aspect. It made me realize the positives and negatives of social media; how it could ruin a company’s or an employee’s reputation. Or how social media can be a free and effective way of advertising and getting your ideas out to the public. Social media is at the tip of everyone’s finger.


The class as a whole was a rewarding experience. I was introduced to other social networks that I never used or that I didn’t even know existed. Examples would be Storify,  and Eportfolio. Most of these websites were easy and straightforward. Except for Eportfolio. I have never worked with anything like so it was a little difficult for me when it came to constructing my page. But I did what you do when you are first introduced to something, learn and practice the subject. Soon enough, I got the hang of it and I was able to produce a decent portfolio. Just knowing that I can overcome this obstacle makes me even more confident in myself when it comes to working with technology. Technology is always advancing and social media will only become more enhanced. That is why, it is important to master the art of social media, and this class showed me how. 

Sigma Iota Chi Crest

in Journal

The sorority that has helped me mold into the person I am now

MCA Social Media Current Events

in Journal

Podcast for class

The podcast I chose was from the site: myfox.com, known as a source for current news and events. The podcast contained the hosts of Good Day New York. This show is originally shown on television, but was converted into a podcast so that viewers can later see the show. The topic was "Social Media Impact on Elections". Here, the news people were having a discussion on how they think Obama's Administration did a good job using Twitter and Facebook to communicate with the public. His administration was able to keep voters up to date with the campaign. In addition, they could also see what Obama followers were posting as feedback. It was said that Obama has 23 million followers as well as Facebook users. Many may think that these social networks are only used by teens. This is false. It turns out, the average Twitter user is 37 years old. The average Facebook user is 40 years old. In other words, Obama had a wide range of demographics. It is one of the benefits of using social media. By using these tools, the administration was able to send out messages, tweets, reports, and statements, for free. It is the cheapest and fastest way to promote any event. In the end, all this positive feedback helped Obama win the election. 

I personally think that podcasts are more interactive than just reading an article. It allows the viewers hear the person's emotions in how they talk and/or see the speaker's facial expressions as they talk. This is also a better alternative for people who do not like to read, just listen. 



current event found on Youtube

My Personal Reflection on Social Media

in Journal

Being a business major, concentration in marketing, I knew that social media played a role in how information is presented to the public. Taking the social media course helped me understand this concept in a more detailed aspect. It made me realize the positives and negatives of social media; how it could ruin a company’s or an employee’s reputation. Or how social media can be a free and effective way of advertising and getting your ideas out to the public. Social media is at the tip of everyone’s finger.


The class as a whole was a rewarding experience. I was introduced to other social networks that I never used or that I didn’t even know existed. Examples would be Storify,  and Eportfolio. Most of these websites were easy and straightforward. Except for Eportfolio. I have never worked with anything like so it was a little difficult for me when it came to constructing my page. But I did what you do when you are first introduced to something, learn and practice the subject. Soon enough, I got the hang of it and I was able to produce a decent portfolio. Just knowing that I can overcome this obstacle makes me even more confident in myself when it comes to working with technology. Technology is always advancing and social media will only become more enhanced. That is why, it is important to master the art of social media, and this class showed me how. 

Sigma Iota Chi Crest

in Journal

The sorority that has helped me mold into the person I am now

MCA Social Media Current Events

in Journal

Podcast for class

The podcast I chose was from the site: myfox.com, known as a source for current news and events. The podcast contained the hosts of Good Day New York. This show is originally shown on television, but was converted into a podcast so that viewers can later see the show. The topic was "Social Media Impact on Elections". Here, the news people were having a discussion on how they think Obama's Administration did a good job using Twitter and Facebook to communicate with the public. His administration was able to keep voters up to date with the campaign. In addition, they could also see what Obama followers were posting as feedback. It was said that Obama has 23 million followers as well as Facebook users. Many may think that these social networks are only used by teens. This is false. It turns out, the average Twitter user is 37 years old. The average Facebook user is 40 years old. In other words, Obama had a wide range of demographics. It is one of the benefits of using social media. By using these tools, the administration was able to send out messages, tweets, reports, and statements, for free. It is the cheapest and fastest way to promote any event. In the end, all this positive feedback helped Obama win the election. 

I personally think that podcasts are more interactive than just reading an article. It allows the viewers hear the person's emotions in how they talk and/or see the speaker's facial expressions as they talk. This is also a better alternative for people who do not like to read, just listen. 



Sonia Vazquez's friends

3 friends

Sonia Vazquez's wall

Derek Kademian
May 4, 2013 at 12:01 AM

The page came out great! it's very organized and if the main points were at the top it might be a bit easier to use.
View whole wall