Born in HangZhou, China
Graduate from SVA
"The craziest thing I have done in NYC was smoking marijuana, cause marijuana is illegal in China. I saw many crazy things after I smoked. I saw it's raining in house and a parade of horses passed through me."
"我没交过男朋友,不太需要。而且我现在很忙,无法为别人付出 什么。在纽约的中国女孩知道自己要做什么。在纽约体验过很多从没体验过的东西,比如大麻。抽大麻在纽约并不是一件疯狂的事,通常抽过大麻也不会有过分的反应,而我抽过之后却看到了很多疯狂的东西。我抽了一点点,眼睛一闭上人就在银河系里飘。当时有人放草原的歌,我就看见马群从我眼前跑过,去看窗户,玻璃一下子全碎了,大水冲进房间里,满地都是。”
From ShangHai, China
"The craziest person I have met in NYC is a homeless person. He got drunk when I saw him in a subway station. He came to me and grasped my hand. He asked my name and I told him, but he didn't let my hand go. He screamed that he didn't believe any woman. I was scared and cried."
“我不太喜欢纽约,半年之内我回了两次国,因为这里没有我喜欢 的人。我和男朋友已经两地分居一年了。在纽约遇到的最可怕的事情是有一回很晚了坐地铁,一个醉汉突然走过来问我的名字,我很害怕,就随便说了个假名字,结果他开始发疯似的叫嚷他不相信任何女人,还伸手过来拉我的包想要翻出我的护照。我被吓得一直哭一直哭,那时我感到好可怕。”
Fan 19
From ChengDu, China
"The most romantic person I have met in NYC was a stranger on street. I asked him if I could borrow his lighter, he told me:"For you, I can borrow you the city." "
“可能是刚来,总感觉这个城市给了我很多眷顾,到处都是友善的 目光。有一次向一个路人借打火机,他竟然对我说:For you, I can borrow you the city. 还有一次,有个人提了一大袋子冰淇淋,对我说:you want some?开始我一惊,聊了一下才知道,原来他是真的买多了。”
Daisy 23
From ChangZhou, China
"The weirdest person I have known in NYC was one of my classmates. He is in my father's age and we didn't talk too much in class. One day he suddenly sent me a text message said he wanted to date with me. I thought he might contact wrong person and refused him."
"我单身,大概是情窦初开的年纪都在和狗狗玩吧,结果一直单到 现在。在纽约遇到最奇妙的人是一个法裔棕色皮肤的大叔,我们是同学,有一天他突然对我用短信发起猛烈追求,先是说他对我日思夜想,又要送饭到我家,我曾一度以为他认错了人,我前思后想,最终还是拒绝了他的邀约。"
From WuHan, China
"My worst memory in NYC is the first period I been in NYC. I met two mean roommates in school dorm. They don't like me at all and always said bad thing behind me. One night I slept early and turned lights off. When they backed to dorm they didn't realize I was there. They turned up the light and said: "Hope Pinky is not here tonight." I cried in my quilt."
"对纽约最糟糕的回忆是去年刚刚到这里的时候。我搬进华尔街附 近的学生宿舍,原以为一切都会很有趣,可是却遇到两个很难相处的美国室友。有一天一个室友回来很晚,我已经睡下,她大概以为我不在吧,我听到她对另一个人说,Hope Pinky is not here tonight. 当时感到又无助又伤心。"