Brittany Predmore's portfolios

Industry Theory and Practice (MCA 601)

This page showcases samples of assignments that I have written in my graduate course: Industry Th...

MCA 670 Effective Web Architecture and Communication Design

This page is to showcase and highlight different assignments done throughout a semester of a grad...

Media and Political Communication (MCA 499X)

The seminar course examines the basic principles and theories of political communication includin...

Portfolio Links, Resume, and Goals

This page showcases my resume file, a list of my professional goals, and a list of skills. For mo...


This page houses opinionated pieces, "reflections," based on my experiences with eportfolio.

Sports Media (MCA 499E)

An overview of the American media that cover sports and the way sports is covered.

Writing for Organizations (MCA 602)

Students entering today’s workforce are expected to master writing, from memos, letters, resumes...
8 portfolios

Field Hockey

fhockey team 16.jpg.2

Field hockey has been a major factor in my whole move and transition to Pace. The initial coach offered me a chance to use my eligibility to jump start a new program "legacy." Of course I bought into what the sell of making a difference, and I could not be anymore grateful for it. I have been able to represent my teammates, my coach, my university, and myself in one of the most competitive conferences in division II field hockey.  I have met interacted and gotten to know young women from different states, even different countries. The skills I have gained from my time with this program will continue with me throughout my academic and professional careers.

Some recognition with the program:

  • Captain of a record breaking startup collegiate program.
  • National Field Hockey Coaches Association Distinguished Scholar

  • National Field Hockey Coaches Association Victory Tour All-Star Nominee and Recipient

Below are images and content that were highlights of some of my best moments with the program.

[The images have been taken from Pace University accounts, I do not own them in anyway  and do not intend to use them for commercial use.]

Record breaking day for the program

Senior Day Recognition

Pace Athletics Senior Post