My teaching philosophy...

American philosopher and educational reformer John Dewey believed and published on the premise that all genuine education comes from experience.  This was directly in line with my teaching philosophy.  I teach from my experience.

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Produced University Centennial Program

Maria Luskay's portfolios

5 portfolios

Who Am I?

I am an Award Winning Documentary Producer, Avid Certified Instructor, Freelance Writer/Producer/Director, On-Camera Spokesperson/Host, Voice-Over Narrator and Academician with extensive experience inteaching, scholarly research, course and program development, media production, publishing, editing, writing, forensic consulting  and corporate communications. I have been featured on YouTube, Vimeo, Pace Homepage,Times Dot Earth Blog. Developed Pace MCA pages on Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Selected Achievements in Teaching, Scholarship and Service

  • Created and increased enrollment by 35% in the MA in Communications and Media program, presented and approved by NYS. Successfully hired faculty, designed curriculum and enrolled first class of 2009.
  • Developed BA in Communication and Communication Arts and Journalism program which has grown to over 150 Dyson students enrolled for 2011.
  • Created Dyson’s ‘Choice is Clear’ publicity campaign contributing to the School’s successful and increased enrollment.
  • Produced numerous promotional videos for Pace and various departments.
  • Edited Pace recruitment video that establishes Pace’s new campaign, Work Toward Greatness.
  • Organize and direct yearly Connections in Communications event and ALL on-line social media tools on Facebook for BA and MA, LinkedIn, YouTube and Tumblr for Dyson.

Pace Promotional Video


  • 2010 Indie Short Film Competition Award for ‘Documentary’ category, The Life of an American Ambassador, 2009, Producer 
  • The March of Time, the History of Pace University, 2006, Best Documentary Winner, Executive Producer
  • Finalist, NY Festivals, 2000, Service Learning: Beyond the Classroom video, Executive Producer
  • Worldfest Houston Silver Award, In Your Hands video for the New York Foundation for Senior Citizens,  Writer/Producer, 1996
  • Bronze Telly Award, The People behind Your Light Switch video for Consolidated Edison and the NY City Public School System, Writer/Producer/Director, 1993


Linda Thornton:  Seeking Sustainability, One Shrimp at a Time, 2011, Producer,
Writer, Director.

The Life of an American Ambassador, 2009, Producer – recipient of Best in Category Award Winner for the “Documentary” category of the 2010 Indie Short Film Competition

MA in Media and Communication Arts Promotional Video, 2010, Producer

Life at Pace, 2009, Editor

BA in Media and Communication Arts, Promotional Video, 2009, Producer

Pace University MCA Promotional Video, 2008, Producer

Social Media:  Redefining Communication, 2008, Producer

Mugello:  One Step Closer to Sustainability, 2007, Producer

Mugello, Italy’s Untapped Gem, 2007, Producer

The Constitution Comes Alive, a documentary for Constitution Day, 2007, Producer

Ecotourism:  The Double Edged Sword, 2006, Producer

The March of Time, the History of Pace University, 2006, North Castle Community Television, Best Documentary Winner, Executive Producer

Service Learning: Beyond the Classroom, Academic Exchange Quarterly, Fall 2002, v6, 3

Editor, Focus on New York Media, an on-line publication of the Media Communications Association International, Five times a year since Fall 2002

Editor, New York Spotlight, a publication of the Media Communications Association International, Quarterly since Fall 2000

Consultant: Expert in videotape tampering.  Hired as an expert witness for case in Miami, Florida involving videotape used as evidence.  My testimony proved that the tape was tampered with and the case was settled

Finalist in NY Festival, 2000 for Service Learning: Beyond the Classroom, 12 minute video, Executive Producer