Model United Nations

I have been a member of the Model United Nations team for three years now and have been given the opportunity to explore various aspects of international relations, as well as play the role of many countries. I have been a part of the General Assembly as Madagascar, the Security Council as The United States of America, the International Atomic Energy Agency as Costa Rica, and this fall I will be once again partipcating as the Security Council for Brazil. In Spring 2011 I will be attending NMUN for the 3rd time as Bangladesh in the World Intellectual Property Organisation.

Model United Nations has given me the opportunity to offer my skills and knowledge to real life crises and come up with alternative solutions just like the actual UN would do. I feel that I've developed great public speaking skills and research techniques from participating in such an amazing organisation.

Climate Change Conference Simulation

Kelly Povero's portfolios

2 portfolios

Nu Zeta Phi Sorority

I am an active member of Nu Zeta Phi Sorority. I pledged in the Spring of 2009 and am a part of the Sigma class. Last year I acted as Scholarship Chair and this year I am recording Secretary. We participate in activities both on-campus and in the community. We have raised more than $25,000 toward research for breast cancer.

Every spring we host "Small Steps Toward A Big Cure" as a walk from the Pleasantville campus to Briarcliff in order to raise awareness. Coming into college, I didn't plan on joining Greek Life however, it is one of the best decisions I could have ever made. Not only do I have sisters who support me and are always there when I need them, but it's great for future networking and becoming more involved on-campus.

20th Anniversary (Nov. 5, 2010)

"Small Steps" April 2009

I joined  The Paw Print student newspaper my freshmen year at Pace and have written for many sections. I became the Layout Editor my sophomore year and this year I am the Opinion Editor. If you follow the link below, you will see my online profile at The Paw Print website and have access to the articles I've written.

I write many political and controversial pieces but also try to have fun with what I do. Recent topics for discussion are Charlie Sheen, Obama's re-election, and a campus survey I put together this semester to determine whether or not the majority of students are satisfied at Pace.