Melissa Rodriguez's portfolios

2 portfolios

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My letters for Psy 630 Thursdays

To my clients

Posted on October 6, 2011 at 4:30 PM

These are the values and beliefs that i think underlie and permeate the therapy process.

1 entry

Course Listing

Fall 2013:
PSY 633Counseling Internship
PSY 662Lss/Brvmnt Cnsling Acrss Lfspn
PSY 674Intgrtng Sem: Prof Orientation

Spring 2013:
PSY 657Expressive Therapies
PSY 665Counseling Clients & Their Fam
PSY 688Sex Ed & Counseling: Intimacy

Fall 2012:
PSY 658Group Dynamics
PSY 668Spiritual Issues in Counseling
PSY 669Couple Counseling

Summer 2 2012:
PSY 650TDomestic Violence
PSY 668Spiritual Issues in Counseling
PSY 679Marriage & Family Sys & Cnslng

Summer 1 2012:
MGT 308Travel and Tourism Management

Spring 2012:
PSY 302Child Psychology
PSY 375Lifespan Dvlpmnt Psychology
PSY 631Cnslng Theories & Tchnqs II
PSY 652Hmn Growth & Dvlpmt

Fall 2011:
WS 268Men and Masculinities
PSY 306Psychological Testing
PSY 630Cnslng Theories & Tchnqs I
PSY 672Psychopthlgy/Prsnlty Dsordrs

Summer 2 2011:
PSY 303Adolescent Psychology

Summer 1 2011:
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
LIT 211JAmerican Voices

Spring 2011:
LAS 240For Land, Bread and Liberty
WS 296TTpc: Melodrama in America
PSY 307Psychology of Personality
PSY 313Research Methodology
PSY 392Practicum in Psychology II

Fall 2010:
SOC 114Criminology
HIS 134Modern Latin America
PSY 201Psych of Business & Industry
PSY 391Practicum in Psychology I

Summer 2 2010:
PSY 232Grp Relations & Intrview Tchnq

Summer 1 2010:
PSY 337Intro to Psycholgcl Counseling

Spring 2010:
SCI 110The Physical World
PSY 111Introduction to Psychology II
ANT 296KLatinos in Crss-Cltrl Prspctvs
PSY 304Social Psychology

January Intersession 2010:
MAT 111Elementary Calculus I

Fall 2009:
ECO 106Principles of Economics: Micro
MAT 117Elementary Statistics
BUS 150Contemporary Business Practice
COM 200Public Speaking
SPA 280Intensive Review of Spanish

Spring 2009:
CIS 101Computers & Social Rspnsblty
MAT 104CFinite Mathematics - (CAP)
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
ENG 105DComposition/Rhetoric II - CAP
ENG 120DCritical Writing - CAP

Fall 2008:
UNV 101CFirst Yr Smnr/Univer Cmnty CP
ANT 101CIntro to Anthropology(CAP)- LC
UNV 101CFirst Yr Smnr/Unvrsty Cmnty CP
POL 102CPblc Myth/ Ideologies(CAP)- LC
MAT 103CAlgebra-CAP
ENG 105CCmpstn & Rhtrc I (CAP) - LC
PSY 110Introduction to Psychology I
ENG 110CComposition (CAP) - LC
PSY 111Introduction to Psychology II