William Woodard's portfolios

7 portfolios

Writing Enhanced Courses

Here is some info on Writing Enhanced Courses...

Course Listing

2015-2016 Continuing Education:
HRM 0300Certificate in Prfsnl HR Mgt

Spring 2015:
IS 613Database Management Systems
IS 637IS Project & Change Mngmnt
MBA 688Bsns Strgy & Stkhldr Rspnsblty

Fall 2014:
IS 623Info Sytems Design & Devlpmt
IS 632Business Telecommunications
MBA 676Managing Business Operations

Summer 1 2014:
MBA 672Managerial Eco for Dec Making

Spring 2014:
IS 617Information Systems Principles
INB 673Int'l Human Resource Managemnt
MGT 685Recruitment and Staffing

Fall 2013:
LAW 628Employment Law
MGT 680Human Resources Management
MGT 684Appraisal,Cmpnstion & Assmnt

Spring 2013:
MBA 647Decision Modeling for Mgmt
MBA 648Managerial Finance
MBA 674Globalization, The New Economy
MBA 678Managing Innovation

Fall 2012:
MBA 642Marketing Management
MBA 644Macroecon in the Global Env
MBA 646Data Analysis for Decision Mak
MBA 670Organizational Beh & Leadershp

Spring 2012:
ART 130Sculpture I
PSY 201Psych of Business & Industry
MGT 365Managerial Negotiations
MGT 495Bus Hnrs Prgrm Snr Ths in Mgt

Fall 2011:
POL 206Pltcs & Envrnmnt: Urbn Prspctv
PSY 307Psychology Of Personality
MGT 366Leadership Principles/Practice
MGT 490Business Strategy
HON 499Snr Smnr in Rsrch Mthds

Spring 2011:
POL 114Intro to Intrntl Relations
SCI 226Geographic Information Systems
MGT 340International Management
MGT 355Mgt Scnce & Prdct Mgt Concepts
MGT 363Training and Development
MGT 396STopic:Env Mgt & Sustainability

Fall 2010:
SOC 209Ethnic & Racial Minorities
MAR 250Principles of Marketing
FIN 260Financial Management
MGT 322Organizational Behavior
MGT 362Human Resources Management

Spring 2010:
RES 106Religions of the Globe
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
ACC 204Managerial Accounting
ART 216Art History: American Art
MGT 250Mngrl & Orgnztnl Concepts

Fall 2009:
LAW 101Business Law I
MAT 111Elementary Calculus I
SCI 150Astronomy
ACC 203Financial Accounting
SOC 221Juvenile Delinquency

Spring 2009:
HW 105Yoga
ECO 106Prncpls of Ecnmcs: Mcroecnmcs
PHI 110Philosophical Problems
MAT 117Elementary Statistics
BUS 150Contemporary Business Practice
LIT 211CEarly World Literature

Fall 2008:
UNV 101First-Yr Smnr: Unvrsty Commnty
CIS 101Computers & Social Rspnsblty
MAT 104Finite Mathematics
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
HIS 113UThe U.S. and the World
COM 200Public Speaking