William Woodard's portfolios
Papers and Projects
Undergraduate Senior Thesis
Capstone Course
Here is info on my capstone course....
Writing Enhanced Courses
Here is some info on Writing Enhanced Courses...
Course Listing
2015-2016 Continuing Education: | |
HRM 0300 | Certificate in Prfsnl HR Mgt |
Spring 2015: | |
IS 613 | Database Management Systems |
IS 637 | IS Project & Change Mngmnt |
MBA 688 | Bsns Strgy & Stkhldr Rspnsblty |
Fall 2014: | |
IS 623 | Info Sytems Design & Devlpmt |
IS 632 | Business Telecommunications |
MBA 676 | Managing Business Operations |
Summer 1 2014: | |
MBA 672 | Managerial Eco for Dec Making |
Spring 2014: | |
IS 617 | Information Systems Principles |
INB 673 | Int'l Human Resource Managemnt |
MGT 685 | Recruitment and Staffing |
Fall 2013: | |
LAW 628 | Employment Law |
MGT 680 | Human Resources Management |
MGT 684 | Appraisal,Cmpnstion & Assmnt |
Spring 2013: | |
MBA 647 | Decision Modeling for Mgmt |
MBA 648 | Managerial Finance |
MBA 674 | Globalization, The New Economy |
MBA 678 | Managing Innovation |
Fall 2012: | |
MBA 642 | Marketing Management |
MBA 644 | Macroecon in the Global Env |
MBA 646 | Data Analysis for Decision Mak |
MBA 670 | Organizational Beh & Leadershp |
Spring 2012: | |
ART 130 | Sculpture I |
PSY 201 | Psych of Business & Industry |
MGT 365 | Managerial Negotiations |
MGT 495 | Bus Hnrs Prgrm Snr Ths in Mgt |
Fall 2011: | |
POL 206 | Pltcs & Envrnmnt: Urbn Prspctv |
PSY 307 | Psychology Of Personality |
MGT 366 | Leadership Principles/Practice |
MGT 490 | Business Strategy |
HON 499 | Snr Smnr in Rsrch Mthds |
Spring 2011: | |
POL 114 | Intro to Intrntl Relations |
SCI 226 | Geographic Information Systems |
MGT 340 | International Management |
MGT 355 | Mgt Scnce & Prdct Mgt Concepts |
MGT 363 | Training and Development |
MGT 396S | Topic:Env Mgt & Sustainability |
Fall 2010: | |
SOC 209 | Ethnic & Racial Minorities |
MAR 250 | Principles of Marketing |
FIN 260 | Financial Management |
MGT 322 | Organizational Behavior |
MGT 362 | Human Resources Management |
Spring 2010: | |
RES 106 | Religions of the Globe |
ENG 201 | Writing in the Disciplines |
ACC 204 | Managerial Accounting |
ART 216 | Art History: American Art |
MGT 250 | Mngrl & Orgnztnl Concepts |
Fall 2009: | |
LAW 101 | Business Law I |
MAT 111 | Elementary Calculus I |
SCI 150 | Astronomy |
ACC 203 | Financial Accounting |
SOC 221 | Juvenile Delinquency |
Spring 2009: | |
HW 105 | Yoga |
ECO 106 | Prncpls of Ecnmcs: Mcroecnmcs |
PHI 110 | Philosophical Problems |
MAT 117 | Elementary Statistics |
BUS 150 | Contemporary Business Practice |
LIT 211C | Early World Literature |
Fall 2008: | |
UNV 101 | First-Yr Smnr: Unvrsty Commnty |
CIS 101 | Computers & Social Rspnsblty |
MAT 104 | Finite Mathematics |
ECO 105 | Principles of Economics: Macro |
HIS 113U | The U.S. and the World |
COM 200 | Public Speaking |