Linda Anstendig's portfolios

1 portfolio

Brief Bio

I am  a Professor of English at Pace University,  co-director of the ePortfolio Program and Executive Assistant to the Dean of Dyson College of Arts and Sciences.  Previously, I have served as  Associate Dean of the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, and co-director of the Pforzheimer Faculty Development Center.

My publications include a text book, Writing through Literature, and numerous refereed journal articles on writing across the curriculum, service learning, and writing with technology.  Recent publications, are a chapter  in Designing Effective Assessment: Principles and Profiles of Good Practice, eds. Trudy Banta, Karen Black, and Elizabeth Jones, a chapter in Peter Seldin’s Teaching Portfolios, and a chapter in a book for college teachers called It Really Works: Ideas from Award Winning English Teachers.  Since 2000 I have presented at numerous national conferences dedicated to college writing, service learning, general education, assessment,  and ePortfolio issues.