Justin Jones's portfolios

Writing for Organizations

This page displays my completed written assignments for MCA 602 - Writing for Organizations. C...
5 portfolios


My top career goal is to continue to develop my communications skills in an effort to become a Communications/Marketing Director for a company in the near future. I also have aspirations of starting and growing a niche website with a few partners in mind as well as publishing a book, and maintaining a blog.


List of My Skills:

  • Writing
  • Reporting
  • Editing
  • Proof-reading
  • Interviewing
  • Photography
  • Video Editing
  • Social Media Creation & Maintenance
  • Promotional Creation & Design
  • Content Management
  • Public Relations

Overall Reflections

My E-Portfolio Reflection

The MCA 601 Industry Theory and Practice course with Dr. Michelle Pulaski Behling, has been my first hands on experience with e-Portfolio. I heard about e-portfolios a few months ago and I had seen a couple of my friends who have e-Portfolios outside of work and school but actually building my own was something new and exciting.

So far I’ve shown my page to a couple of my colleagues, a few family members, and my fiancé and they all have said mostly positive things. I’ve heard positive comments such as complimenting my picture selection, my about me section, and my showcase area. The only negative feedback has been that some people have said it looks like Facebook and questioned if creating and maintaining an e-Portfolio is really worth the time you put in.

While I respect everyone’s opinion, good or bad, I personally feel that having an e-portfolio cannot hurt you therefore it is beneficial. To me it’s an easy, efficient, and aesthetically clean way to create and update your portfolio. You don’t have to worry about carrying a folder with tons of papers and clippings, or weather damaging your papers, or you losing papers. Everything is online and can be accessed instantly. Updates can be easily made and you can present your e-portfolio in an interview on an e-notebook, laptop, and or tablet and really show the interviewer that you’re serious, tech savvy, and organized all at the same time.

I think the e-portfolio experience was definitely a positive endeavor for me and one that very well could help me in my career. Any future interviews  I go on, I plan on having the old fashion portfolio along with me as well as my tablet equipped with my e-portfolio so if the interviewer allows me the opportunity, I would gladly walk them through my career and achievements electronically via my e-portfolio.