Dyson Advising

I am currently a Graduate Assistant at the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences at Pace University where I....

  1.  Advise students who wish to learn more about Dyson majors
  2.  Advise students who are considering a change of major.
  3.  Monitor and guide students who are struggling academically.
  4. Provide information on University Core Curriculum.
  5. Assist students with information about many University policies, such as: Course Waivers, Study Abroad, Late Registrations, Late Withdrawals, Reinstatement, Leave of Absence, Graduation Requirements, and Courses at Other Institutions

Here is where I work at Pace University

Pace University Summer Orientation Office Staff

The summer of 2011 I got the chance to work orientation in The Student Development and Campus Activities Office. That summer I went through extensive training to learn everything there is to know about the University. The New Student and Family Orientation program is the beginning of a four year experience for the incoming student. The Orientation experience strives to emulate and espouse Pace’s core values of multiculturalism, internationalism, service and academic excellence. This experience is meant to be an upbeat environment making the students excited for their future at Pace. After orientation many students get involved right away on our campus due to the bonds and relationships they have made with fellow classmates during the orientation process.

Working in the office I got the chance to work one on one with students and their families. I answered phone calls and completed the proper paperwork that brought each freshman to our campus this year. It was an amazing experience.

Tarah Aponte's portfolios

3 portfolios

Pace University


When choosing a school to complete my Undergraduate degree, I researched every university imaginable. I looked at schools throughout Florida, California, Chicago, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. The moment I stepped foot on Pace University’s campus I felt completely at home, and I knew this was where I would be for the next four years of my life.

Pace has given me a chance to grow into the individual I have become today. I have gained the proper professional skills needed to be a success in the working world. Pace has also taught me how to be a leader.  Becoming an involved student on the college campus has given me so many incredible opportunities; such as working in the offices for summer orientation and obtaining my current job as a Graduate Assistant in Dyson Advising.  

I am now continuing my Pace career after receiving my Bachelor of Arts Degree in May of 2011.Although a bit more challenging I am determined to receive my masters in Media Communications and leave my campus with a sense of pride. I will forever look back and be grateful for the education, friendships, and experiences Pace University has given me.  

Graduation with my fellow Greek friend Brittany Brower

Orientation Boat Cruise

Summer 2011 Orientation Staff

My favorite Internship

Allure Magazine

Interning at Allure Magazine was an experience of a lifetime. I got the chance to actually experience a real life version of the movie “The Devil Wears Prada” a I loved every minute of it. At allure I…

  1.   Worked with creative team in constructing page layouts
  2. Arranged tab and send issue mailings to clients
  3.   Updated account sheets for representatives
  4. Prepared for client calls with staff and prepared issues and gift bags
  5. Edited credits with team from creative department

Course Listing

Spring 2013:
MCA 603Effective Spkng for Indus Prof
MCA 670Designing & Eval Effect Comm

Fall 2012:
MCA 635Organizational Communication
MCA 640International Communication
MCA 693Internship

Spring 2012:
MCA 620Media Relations
MCA 625Corporate Comm & Reputation
MCA 696QTPC: Media Prod II

Fall 2011:
MCA 601Industry Theory and Practice
MCA 602Writing for Organizations
MCA 696JTopic: Media Prod I

Spring 2011:
JRN 104News Reporting
ART 145Painting I
PSY 231Psychology of Death and Dying
MCA 257Casting
MCA 340Writing for Advertising

Fall 2010:
HIS 114FErpn Exprnc: The Holocaust
ART 186Digital Design I
SOC 221Juvenile Delinquency
MCA 275The Movie Remake
MCA 337Writing Public Relations Copy
MCA 499HSeminar: Fashion Journalism

Spring 2010:
INT 197GRome: The Eternal City -Travel
MCA 220The Making of a Motion Picture
MCA 227Writing for the Print Media
MCA 330Film Noir-The Dark Side
MCA 393Internship Program I
MCA 397HTopic: Big Mag Attack

Fall 2009:
MAT 104Finite Mathematics
MCA 226Writing for Electronic Media
PSY 234Human Sexual Behavior
MCA 252Media Production I
MCA 396TTopic: The Animated Film
MCA 397ATpc: Invasion of Reality TV

Spring 2009:
MAT 102Mathematics for Life
ART 153Intro to Photography
CRJ 243Alcohol, Drugs and Crime
PSY 302Child Psychology
MCA 371Landmarks in American Film
MCA 396QTpc: Intro to Public Relations

Fall 2008:
SCI 101The Planet Earth
SPA 102Elementary College Spanish II
MAT 104Finite Mathematics
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
MCA 209Understanding the Mass Media