Ligia Ferreira's portfolios

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Management and leadership Experience RSS

Throughout my nusing school experince, I have though about many different specialties and masters programs that I would like to obtain. I have considered family nurse practicioner, clinical nurse specialist and many other things. However, what i did not expect was to like management so much. Growing up my parents always said that I would be a buisness women working for a big corporate company. However, I never wanted that carrer option. I always loved healthcare and interacting firsthand with people. I now have decided for sure that I want to get my masters in healthcare administration. Throughout my leadership expierience at a local community hospital in Westchester, I was able to observe what a nurse manager does and the different positions that are available in a hospital doe administration positions. Most hospitals require that the administration staff have either a MD license or RN license. I look foward to persuing this goal I have for myself. I see myself in 10 years being a nurse manager of a hospital unit. Longer term I see myself participating in the higher administration of a large city hospital.  

Recent Blog Posts



March 7, 2012 


During a very stressful night precepting at a cardiac telemetry floor, My co workers patient went into a cardiac arrest. I was fortunate enough to have done the Advance cardiac life support training and apply everything I learned to this observation. It was very realistic to view the code play out. The patient along with all the staff members were in the room working hard and fast to try and get the patient back at a stable conditon. The nurses along with the doctor were able to succesfully stabalize the patient. It was an unbeleivable feeling and adrenaline to be apart of the code. 


March 30, 2012



The operating room experience was wonderful!!!! Laughing The team work and collaboration between the nurses , doctors and other staff was amazing. They communicated well and were able to perform the surgery while still interacting with each other and being respectful. From this experience, I was able to also observe the different nursing staff positions available to a nurse in the operating room. 

Ligia Ferreira's Blog RSS

Emergency Room

Posted on April 20, 2012 at 11:05 AM
Last updated April 20, 2012 at 11:17 AM

Feburary 7, 2012


Today was my first day in the Emergency room. Throughout my nusing school experience I have never precepted in a emergency room. I also never envisioned myself working in a emergency room setting. I was able to see firsthand the different options that nursing gives you. The day went by extreamly fast. Being at a city hospital we saw many different cases and addmitting diagnosis walking into the emergency room. The doctors, PA, NP and nurses all worked super fast and got the patients to the proper floor if they required. Emergency room healthcare personel are very fast and great at establishing a quick relationship with their patients, even if the time of interaction is minimal. I loved the experience of being in the emergency room, however, I do not envision myself working in that kind of seeting. 

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