Marketing for Disney

Below I have a paper and presentation in regards to an analysis on Disney's marketing. This was for my intro to marketing class and we have to observe how they market themselves to be so popular and successful.

Ad Team Plans Book

Winter Carnival

Red Stripe Beer

Below is an attachment of a campaign that a group and myself worked on for a semester. Our goal was to create a new campaign for a Jamaican Beer called Red Stripe. This was for the class of Advertising and Promotion. Please take a look and enjoy!

AD Team 2016-2017

Above I have a picture of one of the best teams I was ever a member of. AD Team is seriously one of the best decisions I made and dedicated my time to in my undergraduate years at Pace. This is a class that the professor likes to consider to be a full time job. We create a campaign for a company and then present it to big time creative directors who do this for a living. Last year our company was Tai Pei- frozen Asian Cuisine and we had two budgets to work with: $10 and $15 million. Our campaign was called "Take in Tai Pei." We went to compete in NYC and placed 7th. Although we did not win, we were proud of what we did and were honored to even have to opportunity to present our great work.


I have also posted the plans book that we handed in for the competition. Feel free to check it out and see how all hard work ALWAYS pays off no matter what!

Pleasantville Winter Carinval

For my Special Events Marketing class, we were challenged to create and plan a new event. We had to present our exact plan of how we would want to approach the event we want to create. My group chose to start an annual Winter Carnival in Pleasantville.

Course Listing

Spring 2019:
MCA 620Media Relations
MCA 681Multi-Platform Communications
MCA 693Internship

Fall 2018:
MCA 640International Communication
MCA 696SCurrent Issues in Media Tech.

Spring 2018:
MCA 603Effective Spkng for Indus Prof
MCA 610Communications Research

Fall 2017:
MCA 601Industry Theory and Practice
MCA 602Writing for Organizations

Spring 2017:
ECO 238Money and Banking
MAR 342Public Relations
MAR 348Ad Team II - The Brand Pitch
MAR 499Advanced Marketing Management

Fall 2016:
CHE 106Chemistry of Food & Cooking
MAR 345Media Planning and Buying
MAR 346Ad Team I - Brand Engagement
MAR 363Special Events Marketing
MGT 490Business Strategy

Summer 1 2016:
BUS 294Business Internship

Spring 2016:
ITA 102Elementary College Italian II
PSY 233Psychology of Civic Engagement
MAR 323Consumer Behavior
MAR 351International Marketing
MGT 355Mgt Scnce & Prdct Mgt Concepts

Fall 2015:
LAW 101Business Law I
CIS 102TIntergenerational Computing
FIN 260Financial Management
WS 266Gender, Race and Class
MAR 321Fndmntls of Advrtsng & Prmtn
MAR 322Marketing Research

Spring 2015:
ECO 106Principles of Economics: Micro
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
ACC 204Managerial Accounting
MAR 250Principles of Marketing
MGT 250Mngrl & Orgnztnl Concepts

Fall 2014:
ITA 101Elementary College Italian I
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
MAT 117Elementary Statistics
COM 200Public Speaking
ACC 203Financial Accounting
BUS 255Prfssnl Planning & Practice

Spring 2014:
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
SOC 102Introduction to Sociology
MAT 104CFinite Mathematics - (CAP)
HW 105Yoga
ENG 105DComposition/Rhetoric II - CAP
ENG 120DCritical Writing - CAP

Fall 2013:
UNV 101CFrst-Yr Smnr/Unvrsty Cmnty Cap
MAT 103CAlgebra-CAP
ENG 105CComposition & Rhetoric I (CAP)
ENG 110CComposition (CAP)
HIS 113RChangng Roles of Amricn Women
ART 196KTp:Prncpl & Tech Dgtl Phtgrphy