Sydney Currie's portfolios
Academic Materials
Is Google Making Us Stupid By Nicholas Carr, The Atlantic, July 1 2008
The statement that Carr ...
7 portfolios
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Thy Goals
Here are my goals...For Thy Future Long Term & Short Term Goals
1. Receive an amazing experience as a theater major
2. Create relationships with my professors as well as fellow peers
3. Get to know New York City More
4. Time management
5. Volunteer
6. Internships
8. Remain focus and enjoy my 4 years at Pace
9. G.P.A ---> 3.5
10. Do well in my classes
11. Get to know people
12. Get accomdated in New York
Thy Skills
Here are my skills...My passion and concentrations is in theater. Yet there Is more to being an actor. I am an abstract thinker.I try to answer the who what when where how and why in every subject matter. I am the type of person you find reading or researching in the categories of subjects in what scene or monologues I have to perform, or whatever assignment given in class. My favorite subject besides theater is history and English with my least being math, however with hard concentration and dedication I do well. I am a very out going person that wants to become very cultured and know much more from what I already know. An open mind is my goal as an incoming Freshman.
Overall Reflections
To my fellow professors and peers I am a very in depth thinker...( it has it's pros and cons) I am a very hard worker and I strive for the best yet in the midst of my effort I strive to enjoy learning. I love working with others but working independently is fine too.