Pace University

Jessica Rose's portfolios

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1 portfolio

Course Listing

Spring 2018:
HW 101Wellness & Physical Fitness
POL 243Modern Political Theory
POL 296JTopic:Ethnic Conflict/Natnlsm
CRJ 296YResilience in a Corp Sector
CRJ 305Criminal Law

Fall 2017:
POL 102Public Myth & Ideologies
CRJ 245Organized Crime
PHI 253Logic
CRJ 300Homeland Security Strategies
CRJ 311Controversial Criminal Cases

Spring 2017:
SPE 166Basic American Sign Lang II
POL 210Comparative Political Systems
POL 225Global Justice
POL 241Classical Political Thought
CRJ 255Strctr & Fnctn of Police Orgnz

Fall 2016:
JRN 101Introduction to News Media
HW 105Yoga
ART 133Ceramics I
SPE 165Basic American Sign Language
HIS 260Constitutional History of U.S.
POL 301KWksp: Pol of Law in America

Spring 2016:
JRN 104News Reporting
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
POL 245Politics and Media
CRJ 261Intro to Criminal Invstgtn
POL 303AWorkshop: Int'l Organization

Fall 2015:
LAW 101Business Law I
SOC 102Introduction to Sociology
POL 114Intro to Intrntl Relations
COM 200Public Speaking
CRJ 242Crime and Public Policy

Spring 2015:
SCI 101The Planet Earth
UNV 102ALeadership for the Professions
ANT 108Glbl Culture & Lcl Identities
PHI 115Nrmatve Ethics: Cntmpry Prblms
CRJ 150Intro to Criminal Justice
HIS 206Erpn Hstry: Wtch,Wzrds,Sci Tht

Fall 2014:
UNV 101First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
MAT 102Mathematics for Life
POL 111Amrcn Gvrnmnt & Poltcl Instn
HIS 113BAmrcn Divrsty, Ethncty, Race
ENG 120Critical Writing
INT 296HRNon-Violent Cnflct Rsltn - LC