Jared Butowsky's portfolios


The Pace Path is an innovative four-year program unique to Pace University that helps each studen...
5 portfolios


My goal is to, perhaps, do behind-the-scenes work on media in the field of communications.


  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Social Media

Overall Reflections

                I have been using my ePortfolio to keep all of my work in a single place, like I did with my ePortflio back at Manhattanville College, and it has generally been useful for doing so. Speaking of which, I have mixed feelings regarding a comparison of the two ePortfolio systems I have used. PACE’s system can be a bit difficult to use for creating the ePortfolio itself compared to Manhattanville’s, and some of how it functions remains a mystery to me. On the other hand, it is still quite handy, and is actually more flexible. Besides, I can most likely get used to this interface.

Really, my main issue with the PACE ePortfolios is that I feel having to upload files to an online folder before they can be added to a page is an unnecessary step. I honestly do not see the point of this step, and a direct upload would likely be far more efficient. Another major issue is that I feel the pages for setting viewing permissions should be easier to find, perhaps by having them in the page editor. A very good thing about this ePortfolio system, however, is that the layout of each page is very customizable (although I wish it was possible to change the order of items within a header, and if it is, in fact, possible to do so, I did not find the option).

In the future, I will likely expand the content of my ePortfolio so it can be shown to potential employers. I want to add a stop-motion movie I made for a project at Manhattanville, but I am unfortunately not able to re-download it. I will definitely attempt to find a way to do so in the future.