Erika Tremblay's portfolios

7 portfolios

Course Listing

Summer 1 2013:
PAA 699Capstone Project Seminar

Spring 2013:
PAA 630Intergovernmental Relations
PAA 631Law in Administrative Process
PAA 644Seminar in Gvrnmnt MGT Topics

Fall 2012:
PAA 606Research Methods for PAA
PAA 612Collective Bargain/Labor Reltn
PAA 632Policy Studies

Spring 2012:
PAA 604Budgeting & Financial Analysis
PAA 615Program Planning & Evaluation
PAA 630Intergovernmental Relations
PAA 642Regional Planning

Fall 2011:
PAA 602Organization Theory & Mgmt
PAA 603Eco of Govt, Health, Nonprofit
PAA 605Ethics and Leadership

Spring 2011:
LAT 102Elementary Latin II
POL 114Intro to Intrntl Relations
MAT 117Elementary Statistics
PAA 601Public Admin & its Environment

Fall 2010:
LAT 101Elementary Latin I
ACC 203Financial Accounting
SOC 222Gender and Social Change
FRE 283Interm. French Conversation
FRE 337Contemporary French Lit I
HIS 391History Internship

Spring 2010:
ANT 101Introduction to Anthropology
HIS 216History of Human Rights
SOC 220Social Class
PSY 234Human Sexual Behavior
HIS 499Senior Year Experience in His

Fall 2009:
HIS 114SChurch, State and Society
HIS 209Israel/Palestine:Heritage/Chal
SOC 215Sociology of the Family
HIS 270History of Modern South Africa
HIS 380Seminar on Historiography

Summer 1 2009:
WS 266Gender, Race and Class

Spring 2009:
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
HIS 134Modern Latin America
HIS 206Erpn Hstry: Wtch,Wzrds,Sci Tht
HIS 241Modern China
INT 296HFrench and Art Literature - LC

Fall 2008:
HW 101Wellness & Physical Fitness
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
HIS 114FErpn Exprnc: The Holocaust
HIS 256American Colonial History
INT 297QComm. & Diver: Queer Cultures

Spring 2008:
COM 200Public Speaking
HIS 260Constitutional History of U.S.
FRE 280Intensive Review of French
INT 298GSacred Knowledge: Findng Cmn G

Papers and Projects