Goals / Future Plans
- Work on a med-surg unit for a minimum of 2-3 years
- Work in the ICU for a minimum of 1-2 years
- Work in the Operating Room
- Possibly becoming a Certified Plastic Surgical Nurse (CPSN) and working in an ambulatory setting
- Possibly working with the pediatric population
- Possibly working with the geratric population
- Work as a visiting nurse per diem
- Possibly going back to school to become either a Nurse Practioner (NP) or a Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
Though I have not yet decided on a specific field of nursing, I plan on starting off in a position that will help prepare me for any nursing position in the future. Med-Surg nursing provides a foundation of knowledge and nursing skills that I will carry with me throughout my nursing career regardless of my speciality. One of the reasons I chose nursing as my profession is because of the various feilds I could potentially go in to and the option of switching areas throughout my career.