John Giltinan's portfolios

2 portfolios

Honors and Scholarships

  • Graduate President's Scholarship
  • Graduated Cum Laude
  • Trustee Recognition Award

Quoted, but not named

Special Projects


For entry into Pace's Media and Communication Arts Master's program I had to submit a portfolio of my work for review. I included some reviews from, but the bulk of it was a screenplay. I am a huge film fan, having studied the art in both high school and university, and one of my favorite genres in the Western. From Sergio Leone's action-packed Spaghetti Westerns to the classic American morality tales like High Noon and The Ox-Bow Incident. The screenplay I wrote was influenced by these films and I hope I have done the genre justice.


As part of my graduate program I have become acquainted with the website Storify. I have created two stories, the first with Adam Yogel about Nude Protesters in John Boehner's office:

The second is a history of digital comics and what they mean for the future of the industry:




Lost Comic Book Reviews

Here are some reviews that did survive the renovation of Comics Bulletin. These are a few for which I received positive feedback.