Camilla Klaevold's portfolios
Ridge to Ranch to River to Reef
"From the scrubby forests and ranch lands in the interior of Florida, far from the tourist eyes, to the beaches and bays south of the Gulf Coast, we explore the way the Sunshine State balances the needs of its citizens and economy with those of its subtropical ecosystem and wildlife. Through research, conservation, and education, can Florida bear its population increase of 1000 people per day?"
Final product from 'Producing the Documentary' course. It was truly an amazing and educational experience.
Roles: Lead editor, cinematagrophy, social media PR.
During the spring 2017 semester I edited a number of short promo videos for the Media & Communication Department to promote the final documentary, about the documentaries produced in the class. Below you can see a few of them.
Promo Vid MCVA
Shot and edited a new promo video for Pace University's Media, Communication and Visual Arts Department.
Class project. Interviewed, shot, scriptwriting