Special Scenes

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This is a shot from my documentary in Port-au-prince, Haiti. It was the first film I produced by myself that was seen by thousands of people. This film was very special to me because it helped raised tons of money for Promoting Health in Haiti, a non-profit I work for. It was also a very scary documentary to film because of our location, Haiti. I had to make many decisions as a filmmaker. For example, the decision to film inside a hospital where nothing but tragedy and chaos exists. I filmed this documentary to raise awareness, and though it was very difficult, I think the film did just that.  

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This photo is taken at Pandora studios. I was a production assistant for the day with Sholight. I helped set up equipment to prepare to film the band, Cold War Kids. It was amazing to see the process of filming a live music video for Pandora, at Pandora studios. I helped assist holding the boom microphone, and assisted the dolly camera man. I took a producer-role and handled talent. I also assisted in the break down of the equipment. 

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This is a photo of me! It is a very special photo because I am on the set at Youtube Studios. While working at an internship with Hooplaha, (a video company), I was asked to find a story of someone that somehow ties into a current event that is happening in our country. I found my subject and topic, and proposed it to Hooplaha. It was amazing to see my story that I found come to my life right in front of me. To top it all of, my story was filmed at Youtube Studios!