Culture in the Workplace in Colombia

My Relfections

Working on my eportfolio all semester was an interesting experience. For me, eportfolio is one of the most complex sites I have ever used; therefore, some of this was challenging. However, I found it to be a super helpful and knowledgeable process.

When I started Pace, all I heard about was eportfolio and how prevalent it is going to be during my undergraduate time at Pace... well, they thought wrong. I probably used my eportfolio once a semester to just post my final papers on the pages dedicated to my English classes to get the "A" in the class. After sophomore year, I never used it again. Now, I am a full time graduate student using my eportfolio and I surprisingly love it. I learned so much more about myself through this process and forgot about majority of my accomplishments and best work from my undergrad.

I think that this is a great way to showcase who you are and who you want to be. I dedicated some pages to my best work and my life presently, and had fun doing it. For example, showcasing ANAD week, the week of philanthropy for my sorority, was something that I completely forgot about until I came across it in my files. This week was one of the hardest and most stressful weeks of my life, but I remember that at the end of it I was crying tears of joy because of how proud I was of myself, my sisters and the Pace community. It was something so refreshing and proved that event planning is my destiny. With that, I then created the page dedicated to my current part-time job with Westchester Magazine. I love what I do and have one of the best teams to support me.

Eportfolio is something that I do think I will use and give to employers when it comes to applying for jobs. With what I want to do in marketing, I think that it is important that I have this and share it with everyone. I want people to know my strengths and weaknesses. I want people to know that I am organized but sometimes too much of a perfectionist. I am passionate about everything I do and this project gave me the chance to share that with everyone and learn more about myself that I totally forgot or did not even know! I look forward to adding content to my eportfolio and having this available for future employers to take a look at. I think having access to something like this is always important and with today's technology, it only takes the push of the "send" button that can change everything in a matter of seconds.

2. Post Grad Life

Colombia Workplace

Here I have a group presentation that discusses the workplace in Colombia. My group and I focused on the differences between the workplace culture in the United States and Colombia. We talked about how Colombia is seen as more of a formal culture where we are typically informal. Also, with business we are more strict and want things to be done in a fast paced environment. As for Colombia, they are more personable and want to become with familiar with each other before working together and creating a business deal.

My Storify Account

I have published my first Storify stories! For MCA 601 challenged to create a Storify account one week and talk about what is going on in the media today. Then we were allowed to use our new account for other discussion boards. I was really interested in how Storify works and how creative I can actually be when discussing is media. Below I have my first two stories that I published. I hope to continue using Storify when it comes to discussion boards, maybe in other classes as well so I can be more interactive with the media and post my stories to get other feedback than from just my fellow classmates.