Curriculum Development: Ethics and Legalities in the Classroom

ED 616 Reflections of PD Project

Ethics of Plagiarism Assignment # 5: Legalities Assignment

I found this assignment particularly helpful as I had never considered nor researched in depth, the whole issue of legalities and ethics in education.  As an Ed Tech student, I had worked on projects around privacy, protection, and bullying, but I had never delved into the legal and ethical characteristics of the issues. As I started to read, I was struck by the obvious, that with the world changing so fast, the laws could not keep up with new technologies. What I did not know was that school officials and LEAs were responsible for knowing the laws and interpreting them as best they could in new circumstances. This is a huge responsibility and I believe that AUPs developed as a result of this, not so much to protect the students, but to protect the schools.

When I was student teaching in the spring, I was asked to teach a unit on note taking and bibliographies, and this spilled over to copyright and plagiarism.  I realized that the students didn’t think plagiarism was a big deal, if fact, it was only a big deal if they got caught, because they got in trouble. The honor code or AUP didn’t prevent students from lifting works for their own use.  The students didn’t understand the concept of creators’ rights, honor code or not. To me this was the bigger issue, how to get students to that place of understanding that using someone else’s work without attribution is like stealing, not borrowing. I realized that I myself had never fully understood the copyright issue until I started creating my own resources and saw how protective I felt towards them.  Creative Commons offers students a way to validate and protect their work, and introduces them to the idea of intellectual property. 

Networking Technologies: Uganda

The two-term course provides a foundation in computer hardware and networking technologies. Students learn to install, upgrade, and optimize computer operating systems and hardware components and use diagnostic software. They are introduced to networking technologies for local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the Internet.

My project focused on improving technology systems in a vocational school in Bududa, Uganda. The goal of the project was to improve computer and networking functionality.


Quick Prezi on LANs (Local Area Networks) and Solar energy

Technology Project for Vocational School, Bududa, Uganda

Assistive Technology: Disability Needs Assessment of Library

Mamaroneck Public Library

The course required students to explore a wide range of assistive technology applications for children with disabilities and consider needs based on the type of disabling condition.

My research evaluated assistive technologies at the Mamaroneck Public Library accessible to the disabled community of Mamaroneck.  

Three students with varying disabilities and challenges were the basis for my research; a quadriplegic, who is wheel-chair bound but mobile, a student who suffers from Cerebral Palsy and has Dysarthria, and a student who has Dyslexia and Hypotonia, which results in Dysgraphia.

Research Outcomes

Ann Garland's portfolios

3. Digital Graphics and Media

Glogster project on Italian cooking

4. Project-Based Learning

PBL using Web 2.0 strategies

5. Digital Study Skills

EasyBib for 21st century notetaking and bibliographic skills.

6. Project Rubrics

A sample of my rubrics for student projects

7. My Research

Presented at the NorthEastern Educational Association's Conference, Oct 2012.

8. My Resources

My Twitter, Livebinders, RSS feed, Diigo, and Blog from student teaching.

9. Résumé

Skills, education, and work experience

MPA Capstone

Masters of Public Administration Strategic Plan
11 portfolios

Teacher as Researcher: Podcasting for Change

Course description: Students develop the skills of reflection and inquiry within the context of their own teaching.  The course is designed to provide the teacher-researcher with the necessary competencies to conduct action research / inquiry in classrooms and school districts.  Students design and implement an action research project in their classroom that focuses on an issue of relevance to them in their present teaching situation.

My project investigated the effects podcasting has on student behavior in a world language class. I presented it at the NERA (Noretheastern Educational Research Association) conference in 2012.

Podcasting for Change Handout        Podcasting for Change Slideshow

Technology-Enhanced Curricula: PBL- Carbon Footprint

The course requires students to create a variety of curriculum resources, including lessons, units, class webpages, thematic units, web quests and virtual tours that are enhanced by the Internet and a number of other technology resources. 

My project was a PBL (Problem-Based Learning) unit.

The Living Environment: How to Offset Your Carbon Footprint (PBL Site)

The Unit Plan

Differentiating Instruction: Weather

This course is designed to assist the professional educator in the task of planning and implementing classroom, instructional, and support services for students with complex needs. Appropriate selection of assistive and regular technology is addressed.

My project was a differentiated lesson plan on weather for a second grade class.

Clouds and Weather Prediction Clip        Differentiated Lesson Plan        Differentiated PowerPoint in PDF        Bloom/Gardner Matrix of Lesson Activities        Handout1: Why are there Clouds        Handouts 2: Cloud Group Activities        Student & Teacher Rubrics        Vocabulary Sheet

Secondary Methods:Digital Literacy

This course provides a variety of instructional strategies to facilitate learning in today’s secondary classrooms. Skills emphasized include: curriculum design, lesson planning, procedures for collaboration with peers to encourage high academic achievement and independence for all students including students with disabilities and special health-care needs, and instructional uses of technology to acquire information and to communicate to enhance learning.

My project focused on digital literacy in the classroom, with a specific lesson plan on issues of password security. 

Digital Literacy Unit Plan        Digital Literacy Lesson Plan-Hackable Passwords        Digital Literacy SmartBoard Lesson in PDF        Exit Pass Safe Passwords      VoiceThread Activity from Lesson

Educational Psychology: Lab Management

The course required students to explore and identify differences in approaches to learning and performance, including different learning styles, and ways students demonstrate learning.  This course includes a focus on formal and informal methods of assessing student learning to identify learner strengths and differentiate instruction.  Students explore the role of technology in diverse classrooms.

My project focused on classroom management in a technology laboratory. 

Management Plan        Attachments

Creative Commons license