My Activities

"A leader is a person you will follow to a place you otherwise wouldn't go by yourself."

Being a leader at Pace is definitely a true passion of mine. I have always had a natural desire to want to motivate and inspire others, and I have been involved in many clubs at Pace that has allowed me to do just this.

Student Goverment Association (SGA)


Executive Vice President '11-'12

 A liaison between students, faculty, staff and admistration at Pace University.

I served on the Executive Board of the SGA as Executive Vice President for the 2011-2012 school year. As Executive VP I was responsible for managing the Senate, which conisted of all of the class and school Presidents and Vice Presidents. I coordinated our weekly office hours, and held the officers accountable for completing their required hours.  I also facilitated the monthly Organizational Council meetings, where all Pace student organizations and administrators met to dicuss issues, concerns and improvements around the Pace community.  I also ran the Community Meetings once a semester, which was focused on discussing administrative and structural changes that would be taking place at Pace.

In addition, as Exec VP I sat on the Faculty Affairs Committee with the Board of Trustees, where I contributed student input regarding the current faculty at Pace. I also served on the Food Services Committee where I constantly assisted in the review of Chartwells, our food service provider. I, along with my fellow Eboard, worked hard to improve the conditions of the cafeteria and food services for students.  I was also a member of the First Year Experience Committee, which reviewed the UNV 101 classes and brainstormed ways to improve the first year experience at Pace to increase student retention.

Lubin School of Business President '10-'11

I am currently Student Government President of the Lubin School of Business, and my Vice President and I have been working toward planning and implementing a mentorship program between Pace undergraduate and graduate students and Pace Alumni.  The program was recently launched via LinkedIn, where alumni and students can contact eachother and offer career guidance. As President, I also planned the "Lubin Spring Banquet" on March 29th to provide a networking opportunity for students in the Lubin School. The event turned out great- we had delicious food, inspirational speakers and we  can't wait to do it again next year!

Lambda Sigma

I am also a member of Lambda Sigma, the Honor Society for College Sophomores.  Through Lambda Sigma, I have participated in numerous community outreach events.  Last semester I collected books to be donated to underprivileged children, and I also bought Christmas gifts that were wrapped and sent to children that would be in the hospital during Christmas.  I also planned a Soup Kitchen Event for Lambda Sigma, where members will be helping out at Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen to help feed the homeless in New York City.

Peer Leader

I worked as a Peer Leader in the Fall of 2010 and Fall of 2011, and could not have found a more rewarding job here at Pace. As a Peer Leader I was able to mentor new freshman students and help them to adjust to their new college lives.  We discussed topics such as academic integrity, diversity, time management, study skills as well as many other areas.  I also offered my advice on career planning and course planning, as well as relationship advice and any other type of emotional support that the students needed.  My class and I had a lot of fun and I look forward to being a Peer Leader again this coming Fall.