Alison Goshgarian's portfolios

6 portfolios

Reflection on my ePortfolio Experience

While I was creating my ePortfolio, I had learned stuff about me I had never known before. I never really thought of myself as an "impressive" person. I always labeled myself as an average college girl. Now that I have created my ePortfolio, I see way beyond that now. Looking through my different pages of what I have done makes me proud of myself and how far I really have come along over the years. I went from being a high school senior who got rejected from all of the schools she applied to, to succeeding greatly in a great 4 year institution with a lot of knowledge in different fields. 

I learned that my strengths were mostly in my Extra Curricular Activities section. I have done many different types of clubs and jobs throughout my time, and this page defiantly expressed it greatly. It shows what I have and can share with anyone. My weaknesses...they shouldn't be labeled as "weaknesses" really. I feel as though that maybe I could improv more on my Showcase section. I may need to document more of what I receive or do that I could show off more to the world of ePortfolio. Everyone is their own worst critique however, so I do not want to be too harsh on myself. 

Overall, this ePortfolio has helped me in a lot of ways to know where exactly I want to go in life and how I can achieve it. Something like this can really show someone who I really am, since the only person who created this page was ME! 


No matter how hard things get in life, you just need to remember to smile!

Where Will I Be Fall Semester 2011?

What is Semester at Sea?

On August 26th, I will be leaving from a port in Canada where I will be spending a Fall Semester abroad at Semester at Sea. SAS is a program based out of the University of Virginia where I can take 15 credits on a boat, meanwhile traveling to 14 different countries. I will be learning in a traditional classroom while learning more off the boat, tasting a bit of every culture. This is going to be an opportunity of a lifetime, and I am beyond excited for this adventure to happen!

My Goal: One day to work for SNL

Why Saturday Night Live?

Throughout my whole life, I have been the entertainer. The one who will always make someone laugh or smile in the more stressful situations. I have been a Saturday Night Live fan since I was a young girl. Sketch comedy is genius and extremely fun-so why not have that your full time job? It is my goal to become a cast member. I have been taking improv and stand up comedy lessons. However, I am totally willing to work in any department when it comes to this show. Whether if it's production, writing, or anything behind the scenes. I know it is a lot of work to get where you want to be, and I am willing to work and perform on the side to get there.



  • Master/Duel Script Format
  • Production Savvy
  • Public Speaking
  • Time Management 
  • Writing
  • Casting
  • Public Relations
  • Comforable in front of an audience
  • Improv Comedy
  • Social Media
  • Creative Thinking
  • Radio Programming
  • Responsibible 
  • Patience
  • Goal Oriented