Alison Goshgarian's portfolios

6 portfolios

My Qualifications

Throughout my years of education, I have developed many different skills that I have learned inside and outside of my classroom settings. 

As a Media & Communications major, I have taken many courses that has involved myself to become a part of the Communications industry. For instance, I took a course "Casting" in the Spring of 2010 where my interests in that department encouraged me to land an internship as a Casting&Talent intern at  Nickelodeon. 

I have also taken courses involving different film, behind the scenes and production, journalism, and public relations.

I feel as though since I have a wide range of interests, it helps me understand the different parts of the entertainment industry. I have tried it all including:

Radio, Television, Casting, Improv Comedy and more.

My positive attitude and high energy is the main reason why I get through each day with an adventure.