Heather Choi's portfolios
Alpha Lambda Sigma
Eat Healthy. Be Healthy.
Being a member of Greek Life
Being in Greek Life is probably the most exciting part of my life! I have been a proud member of my sorority, Alpha Lambda Sigma, for two years now. It provided me with jobs around campus, tutoring when I need help in a class, a shoulder to cry on when times are tough, and amazing memories and lifetime bonds.
We fundraise and participate in Relay for Life, Multiple Sclerosis Walk, Campus Cleanup, and Pediatric Aids annually. Being part of a sorority is more than just social gatherings. It's a family. My family away from home that reminds me to represents Loyalty, Trust, and Honor everyday.
I was also an executive board member of the University Panhellenic Coucil at Pace University. It represents the largest greek organzation on campus. I was a senator and attended weekly student government meetings for two semesters. I was the voice of UPC at the SGA meetings.