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Sonia Vazquez's portfolios

My Insight into Marketing and Techniques

Here are some essays I wrote for my English 201 course. 


I have had the privilege to travel to some parts of the world. The trips have given me great expe...
5 portfolios

Storify: Social Media and the News

Writing Enhanced Courses

Here is some info on Writing Enhanced Courses...

Course Listing

Spring 2015:
HW 105Yoga
MCA 263Event Planning for PR
MCA 337Writing Public Relations Copy
MAR 366Sports Sponsorship
MAR 445Advertising/Comm Strategies
MGT 490Business Strategy

Fall 2014:
MAR 351International Marketing
CRJ 375CRJ Sys Rspns to Vlnc & Chldab
MCA 398Science Fiction & The Cold War
MAR 499Advanced Marketing Management
MCA 499MSeminar: Using the Steadicam

Spring 2014:
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
MCA 226Writing for Electronic Media
MAR 322Marketing Research
MAR 323Consumer Behavior
MCA 340Writing for Advertising
MGT 355Mgt Scnce & Prdct Mgt Concepts

Fall 2013:
POL 102Public Myth & Ideologies
MAR 250Principles of Marketing
MGT 250Mngrl & Orgnztnl Concepts
FIN 260Financial Management
MAR 321Fndmntls of Advrtsng & Prmtn
MAR 345Media Planning and Buying

Spring 2013:
MAT 117Elementary Statistics
SCI 160Meteorology
ACC 204Managerial Accounting
MAR 250Principles of Marketing
MCA 397MTopic: Social Media
MCA 620Media Relations

Fall 2012:
LAW 101Business Law I
ART 145Painting I
COM 200Public Speaking
ACC 203Financial Accounting
SOC 221Juvenile Delinquency

Spring 2012:
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
MAT 104Finite Mathematics
ECO 106Principles of Economics: Micro
ENG 120Critical Writing
BUS 150Contemporary Business Practice

Fall 2011:
UNV 101First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
SOC 102Introduction to Sociology
MAT 103Algebra
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
ECO 266Econmc of Gender, Race & Class
WS 266Gender, Race and Class