Sonia Vazquez's portfolios

My Insight into Marketing and Techniques

Here are some essays I wrote for my English 201 course. 


I have had the privilege to travel to some parts of the world. The trips have given me great expe...
5 portfolios

SigICircus with Alpha Phi Delta Circus Event

My Sisters: Sigma Iota Chi

It wasn't until I found this great group of girls that I was able to find my home away from home. By completing their new member process, I learned that when you are passionate about achieving something, it is possible. You just have to know your goals and exceed your expectations. Besides becoming very good friends with them and making lasting memories, I now know a group of amazing ladies that I can look up to and admire. Each person in this sorority has their own strengths and weaknesses. We all learn from each other's mistakes but we also hold each other up. I can see that joining Greek life has made a positive impact on me. It has helped me become a stronger, more independent and confident person. I pledged the fall semester of my sophomore year and I can easily say that there is no other bond stronger than ours. 

As a member of OLAS

Olas is a club that consists of students from different cultures who come together and execute events to unify the student body on campus. During my time as a member I made many good friends, had the chance to take part in interesting events, and help make a difference has to how students are with one another when it comes to their different culture and going deeper than skin color. 

OLAS on Twitter

You can view updates, events, and pictures of our events.

My Sorority: Sigma Iota Chi


During my junior year, a good friend gave me the chance to be her right hand by being Vice President of PUMA. I really did not have a clear idea of what my position would intend, but I am always wiling to learn and experience something new. Now, I have recently been given the position to be President of this organization. I cannot wait to put my new E-board’s and my plans to play. We hope in changing the face of PUMA for a more well-known and active club on campus this year. 

Our History and More

Pace University Marketing Association


This is one of the first clubs I joined as a freshman at Pace University. The Advisor was very welcoming and so were the current members. This club gave incoming freshmen a chance to get their foot in the door into the activities around campus. As a member, I assisted with events that welcomed new potential students. This gave me a chance to interact with new people and parents as well as be able to market Pace on a more personal level by talking to them one on one and answering any questions they had. One of my more favorite events was the Thanksgiving dinner that we helped prepare at a synagogue. All the food that was made was given to the homeless and the needy. It was such a great experience and I was so happy we were able to help. I'm glad I joined this club because it only encouraged me to be more involved on campus.