Throughout my time working with Residential Life, I have had the unbelievable opportunity to attend conferences all over the North East. This has become such a huge part of my life, and I could not imagine my college career without the knowledge that I have gained from traveling. As of now, I have attended four regional conferences and one national conference! I am extremely fortunate for all of these opportunities, and they have truly allowed me to grow as an individual, and as a leader. Please, look through my different experiences. Click on the image to be taken to the conference video. They are always hysterical, and show the true NEACURH spirit!

NEACURH Regionals 2012

Regionals 2012 at SUNY Geneseo
Theme: Mooselodeon

   At SUNY Geneseo, I was the NRHH Representative. Basically, that meant that I represented the organization and the  university in business meetings throughout the three days. We voted on legislation, awards, and discussed ways to improve our own campuses. We were able to participate in programs that other schools put on, and learn much more about residential life and NEACURH.

   I thoroughly enjoyed myself at conference, and definitely was infected with the Moose Love that NEACURH brings to every conference. We were able to experience so many new things, and I definitely was hooked on NEACURH.

NEACURH Mini No-Frills 2013

NEACURH Mini No-Frills at Northeastern University
Theme: Clue: Finding the Leader NU

At my first Mini No-Frills conference, I was able to be the NRHH representative again. In boardroom, we spoke much more about awards, and voted on three NRHH awards. I also was able to sit in a joint boardroom with our National Communications Coordinator, and express my opinion on legislation, and the election of a new Regional Board of Directors.

 In addition to boardroom meetings, I was chosen to co-present a program with our RHA President, Sarah Croghan. We presented a program called Leadership and Friendship: Navigating the Tides of Ships. In this program, we spoke to participants about how to work with friends, especially when the business and professional lines become blurred. We recieved very good feedback from all who came.

At the award ceremony, we were awarded the 2013 Regional Board of Directors Breakout School of the Year. Three members of our delegation also recieved two year service pins, and two members were inducted into the Antler Society (our alumni association).

NACURH Conference 2013

NACURH Conference 2013 at the University of Pittsburgh
Theme: Evolution

NACURH was the first national conference that we attended as a university. I had been elected as the National Communications Communicator (NCC) the month before, so I was able to plan our delegation's involvement in the conference. I participated in a boardroom meeting with people from all over the nation! There were over 1,000 of us uurepresentatives in that meeting.We also saw presentations about NACURH, and learned much more about the organization as a whole.

I was also fortunate enough to be able to attend programs, something that I was rarely able to do in the past two uuconferences (due to boardroom). I attended one program that we actually brought back to Pace University with us. It was a Harry Potter Leadership Seminar, where participants were sorted into "houses" based on personality types.

It was an incredible experience, and we were able to meet so many amazing people from all over the world! This was possibly my favorite conference, just because it was so amazing to see so many people united for one cause.

NEACURH Regionals 2013

NEACURH Regionals 2013 at Stony Brook University
Theme: Back to the Future

  At Regionals 2013, I was once again the National Communications Coordinator, meaning that I spent a good majority of my time in our boardroom meetings. This time, we were voting on many awards, and a few pieces of legislation. At the end of the Spring 2013 semester, I was given the opportunity to train another student to become a future NCC. My NCC-In Training (NCC-IT), Katrina, was also able to sit in boardroom with me, and experience the conference atmosphere.

   This time, our delegation consisted of three first-time delegates, and myself. It was definitely challenging to teach them about the typical conference, especially since I would not be with them most of the day! However, I believe that it was a true success. I was able to present another program, Pop the Problem. Students filled balloons with notes, asking questions about problems they may have at their schools. Other people pop the balloon, and answer the question inside. I beleive that it was a great success, and I recieved positive reviews.

NEACURH Minis 2014

NEACURH Minis 2014 at Rensellar Polytechnic nstitute
Theme: Marty Python and the Holy Grail

   NEACURH Minis 2014 was the largest delegation that I had brought to a conference since I was elected as NCC. We brought five delegates (two first-time delegates), and one first-time advisor. However, I would say that it was the most    successful conference I have ever attended. This was the first time we bid for awards, and we actually won two of the five we bid for! We won the Scholarship Award, and a Programming Grant. That totalled $700 that we won for our office of    Residential Life! Every delegate that went presented a program, including myself. I presented a program called Let It Go, where participants learned stress-management techniques while they made stress balls.

   I sat in one of the longest boardrooms NEACURH has ever experienced, and learned so much about Parlimentary Procedure. We elected five people to the Regional Board of Directors, and chose where the next conference would be    held. We also went through twelve items of legislation! At the award ceremony, our NRHH representative and myself both    recieved two year service pins. Our RHA President was also inducted into the Antler Society! Overall, I believe that it was our most successful conference yet!