
I have great writing and communication skills.

I am proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.

I am also very skillful in using social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter.


Toniann Urbieta's portfolios

5 portfolios


I hope to graduate with a 3.5 GPA or higher. 

I would like to work in the Television/Entertainment Industry. 

I love to travel and I hope to some day visit as many countries around the world as I can!

Overall Reflections

My experience with making my ePortfolio has greatly assisted me in discovering my strengths and weaknesses, as well as making me aware of things I could possibly be doing in the future. While starting my ePortfolio I was a little worried because I felt I didn't have as much experience and skills as some other students might have had. Then as I was creating it I realized i've done a lot more than I thought. I was able to go back and look up all the work I did at my past two internships, which I forgot all about. I feel like the ePortfolio is the only place I have to really showcase my experience and I was able to put a lot into it.

By looking at other students ePortfolio's I was able to gain some insight as to some things I might consider doing or getting involved with in the future. I really thought a lot about what my skills are and what I might want to do when I graduate while making my ePortfolio. I loved being able to put pictures on the pages and being able to style it any way I wanted. The only thing that was frustrating about it was the layout of the pages. It was hard to make the pages look nice because of the columns and the way you had to situate things, especially when you have long documents. It was a little confusing at first to learn the ins and outs of making the pages but after practice I got the hang of it and figured out new ways to display things. 

I think the ePortfolio is a great way to showcase your goals, experiences and skills. I plan on keeping my portfolio and possibly showing it on interviews in the future. It gave me the chance to dig up some great work I did in the past that I would have otherwise forgotten about. Overall, the ePortfolio really helped me in finding my strengths, weaknesses and skills.