Podcast Blog

This was a homework assignment for my Social Media class. We had to listen to a podcast and write a blog entry about it. I listened to a podcast about Twitter and how it  is a useful tools for restuarant owners and entrepreneurs. This assignment was good experience in blog writing and I was able to encorporate pictures or any media I wanted.



The Podcast I listened to was called "Twitter for Restaurants" by Arlina Allen. Arlina is the owner of Social Media Restaurant Marketing, a Silicon Valley social media marketing company, and author of “Twitter for Restaurants." In this podcast she talks about the importance of restaurants using twitter to maximize their business and build a following. She says how Twitter is where your customers are because there are so many people on there that it is such a great tool to engage people in your business and talk about what is going on. It is free publicity and why not use it. She explains how people are worried that they don't have the time for social media but it is actually very easy to use. Arlina explains how Twitter followers become your local patrons and they love to be updated on new specials at restaurants or exciting events. It is a great way to boost business and it is free and easy.

I'm interested in the restaurant business and have family who own restaurants so I somewhat enjoyed listening to this podcast. It is like listening to talk radio, which I’m not a big fan of. I kind of lost interest after a couple of minutes and it was really hard for me to not be distracted while listening. I already know a lot about twitter so it wasn't any new information for me, it was just a different aspect revolving around the restaurant business. I'm sure there are more interesting and upbeat podcasts out there that might get my attention. 

Toniann Urbieta's portfolios

5 portfolios

Social Media + The Workplace

Posted on April 4, 2011 at 6:29 PM
Last updated April 11, 2011 at 8:44 PM

Social networking has given people the chance to express their feelings and interests, as well as communicate with others through the web. However, too much talking on the internet could cost you your job. Companies are now embracing social networking to promote their brand and even screen potential new employers by looking at Facebook and Twitter pages. An article from msnbc.com called, Your Career: Shut Your Cybermouth!, talks about why people should be more careful about what they say and post on social networking sites.

An ongoing battle between companies and their employers Internet privacy is sweeping the workplace. Technology is changing so rapidly it's becoming difficult for employers and employees to figure out boundaries and expectations regarding social media. More and more companies are starting to monitor their employees Facebook and Twitter accounts, however some people feel that those sites should be kept private and personal. Regardless of a companies policy, people should be cautious when posting on social networks, especially if they like their jobs. 

Writing Enhanced Courses

I have taken two writing enhanced courses:

-World Mythologies

-The Art of Film

Art of Film Final Paper

Course Listing

Fall 2011:
ITA 101Elementary College Italian I
ITA 163Italian Civilization I
MCA 263Event Planning for PR
MCA 310Case Studies in Public Rltns
MCA 499GSem: The Films of A. Hitchcock

Spring 2011:
HW 105Yoga
MCA 227Writing for the Print Media
MCA 258The Invasion of Reality TV
JRN 296NTopic: From Cronkite to Couric
MCA 397MTopic: Social Media
MCA 499KSeminar: Tales of Manhattan

Fall 2010:
ART 153Intro to Photography
FSS 203The Art of Film
SOC 221Juvenile Delinquency
MCA 250Television and Radio Commnctn
MCA 357Careers in Television

Summer 2 2010:
MCA 393Internship Program I

Summer 1 2010:

Spring 2010:
CIS 101Cmptrs & Frnsc Scnce Lrng Pod
HIS 112US Civilization Since 1877
ITA 154ITpc: Italian Cinema
MCA 337Writing Public Relations Copy
MCA 371Landmarks in American Film

Fall 2009:
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
LIT 211ZWorld Mythologies
JRN 296KTpc: This Just in-Brkng News
MCA 340Writing for Advertising
MCA 396QTpc: Intro to Public Relations
MCA 396YTopic: The Movie Remake

Spring 2009:
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
JRN 207Sports Journalism
PSY 234Human Sexual Behavior
ANT 296VTPC: Magic, Witchcraft & Relgn
PSY 307Psychology of Personality
MCA 397CTopic: Real - Life TV

Fall 2008:
SCI 101The Planet Earth
CIS 101Cmptrs & Environmental Science
SCI 101The Planet Earth
CIS 101Cmptrs & Environmental Science
SPA 102Elementary College Spanish II
MAT 104Finite Mathematics
TCH 201Edctn I: Understanding Schools
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
MCA 226Writing for Electronic Media