Writing Samples

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On this page, my writing samples are over the course of my Undergraduate Career, as well as, Graduate which are documented. The academic materials displayed here are essays & press releases that I have worked on, which I believe are great highlights of my academic career. 

I have included my writing samples from my Undergraduate Career, because they are some of my best work during the years in my Communications and Management courses. 

The press releases that are included in this portfolio, showcase my work in my Graduate course, Writing for Organizations. These documents are beneficial towards my career considering I would like to delve into Public Relations. These press releases are a great start towards pursuing this path. 



Course Listing

Spring 2019:
MCA 620Media Relations
MCA 681Multi-Platform Communications
MCA 693Internship

Fall 2018:
MCA 640International Communication
MCA 696SCurrent Issues in Media Tech.

Spring 2018:
MCA 603Effective Spkng for Indus Prof
MCA 610Communications Research

Fall 2017:
MCA 601Industry Theory and Practice
MCA 602Writing for Organizations

Spring 2017:
CRJ 150Intro to Criminal Justice
LAS 220Caribbean Transnational Cltre
COM 336Propaganda
COM 338Media Criticism

January Intersession 2017:
FSS 296HFilm Auteurs of NYC

Fall 2016:
RES 106Religions of the Globe
SPA 155BLit & Cltr of PR & Caribbean
COM 213Intercultural Communication
COM 214Interpersonal Communication
SPA 280Intensive Review of Spanish
MGT 373Technology Innovation

Spring 2016:
SPA 102Elementary College Spanish II
MCA 226Writing for Electronic Media
COM 228Writing for Convergent Tech
MGT 312Event Management
MGT 370Managing Creativity

Fall 2015:
COM 205Dynmcs of Small Grp Comm.
ART 215New York and the Visual Arts
MGT 235Art & Entertainment Management
COM 235Advertising & Consumer Culture
WS 266Gender, Race and Class
COM 270Political Communication

Summer 1 2015:
CHE 105Consumer Chemistry

Spring 2015:
SOC 102Introduction to Sociology
HIS 112US Civilization Since 1877
COM 113Media, Culture, and Society
COM 114Introduction to Mass Media
ENG 201Writing in the Disciplines
COM 245Commctn and Popular Culture

Fall 2014:
MAT 102Mathematics for Life
COM 111Introduction to Communication
PAGE 182Current Theater in NY
TCH 201Edctn I: Understanding Schools
COM 239Milestones in Commun Rsrch

Summer 1 2014:
COM 200Public Speaking

Spring 2014:
MAT 104Finite Mathematics
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
ENG 120Critical Writing
SOC 209Ethnic & Racial Minorities

Fall 2013:
UNV 101First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
CIS 101Introduction to Computing
MAT 103Algebra
ECO 105Principles of Economics: Macro
ENG 110Composition - LC
BUS 150Contemporary Business Practice


MGT 370: Creativity in the Management World

Susan Ayala's portfolios

1 portfolio