Beth Gordon

Dr. Beth Gordonis the Executive Director for Academic Technology and the Co-Director of ePortfolios at Pace University.  She is also an adjunct instructor who has designed and taught face-to-face, blended and online courses in English, Communications and Psychology.  In these roles, Beth assists faculty with the pedagogical issues involved in using technology to enhance instruction.  She also advises the CIO and the faculty on all issues related to technology, including faculty development, purchases, strategic planning, and assessment.  

Beth has been an ePortfolio enthusiast for the past ten years and is co-directing the University’s ePortfolio initiative, with the support of two grants including Thinkfinity and LaGuardia Community College’s Connect to Learn Grant.  From 2004-2007, Beth was the Primary Investigator for the National Science Foundation Grant, Enhancing the Mathematical Foundation of Students through Online Course Modules

During the recent years Beth has led faculty workshops on a variety of topics: Online Teaching, Creating Electronic Portfolios, Understanding Web 2.0 tools, and Preventing Plagiarism with  She has also facilitated teaching circles on Blended Learning and ePortfolios and has been invited to give numerous presentations at national conferences and other institutions.  This year Beth is teaching an online graduate course on the practical, ethical and legal issues of using Web 2.0 to support Mental Health Counseling. Beth also recently co-authored a chapter in Teaching Inclusively in Higher Education, titled “The Technological Age of Teaching.” 

Beth earned her BA in Literature from Binghamton University, her MA in English Education from SUNY–Albany, and her PhD in Educational Technology from Walden University.




ePortfolio at Pace RSS

Discussion space for the ePortfolio Initiative at Pace University

  1. Echo Retirement

    Published on 14 September 2015 at 14:53
  2. I posted my syllabus in Blackboard…now what?

    Published on 18 June 2015 at 10:53
  3. 2015 ePortfolio Awards

    Published on 14 May 2015 at 16:32
  4. May ePortfolio of the Month: Alexandra Catalano

    Published on 7 May 2015 at 10:06
  5. April ePortfolio of the Month: Ana Bolivar

    Published on 9 April 2015 at 11:17
  6. March ePortfolio of the Month: Adina McCray

    Published on 3 March 2015 at 14:27
  7. Briarcliff Blackboard Lab

    Published on 19 February 2015 at 10:59
  8. February ePortfolio of the Month: Tameka Bazile

    Published on 10 February 2015 at 13:04
  9. New Beginnings: 4 New Hires & Expansion

    Published on 16 December 2014 at 16:18
  10. eTern’s Experiences on ePortfolio

    Published on 25 November 2014 at 16:16
Last updated on 24 September 2015 at 12:00


While I'm not officially a student, I'm always in student mode anxious to learn more and lately I've been learning a lot about ePortfolios - even though I've been using them and helping others to use them for the past 10 years.  In my first career, I was a high school English teacher and it was during my teaching days where I first became excited about the possibilities when teaching with technology.  My students would write more and write better if I brought them to a computer lab.  They would edit their writing more carefully and be more willing to read and respond to their peers if they could do it in the lab. 

I feel as if something similar is happening with the ePortfolio movement - (Bret Eynon from LaGuardia CC called this a movement so I will too).  Students seem more eager to collect, select and reflect if they can do it electronically. After all, they are facebooking, texting and twittering in their social lives so why shouldn't they be able to do something similar in their academic/professional lives? 

I'm thrilled to be a part of this ePortfolio movement at Pace.  Linda Anstendig and I are sincere ePortfolio believers and together we have been working with more and more faculty, staff and students who share in this belief. We have also been learning from our colleagues from other institutions who are sharing this similar journey - helping students to create engaging and thoughtful educational passports of their very own. 



Click to read my interview in the Fall 2011 issue of Pace Magazine.

Beth Gordon's portfolios

2 portfolios