Beth Gordon's portfolios
Beth Gordon
(5 pages)Teaching Resume, Cover Letter
northwestern cover letter.doc Details
Download northwestern cover letter.doc [21.5KB]}This is a cover letter which I used to apply for the position of online instructor at Northwestern Sate University. -
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Download online teaching resume jan 05.doc [35KB]}
My Resume
PhD, Walden University, 2003.
Major: Education
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Technology
Dissertation Title: The Relationship Between Learning Styles of Adult Learners Enrolled in Online Courses at Pace University and Success and Satisfaction with Online Learning
MA, SUNY - Albany, 1992.
Major: English Education
BA, Binghamton University, 1991.
Major: Literature
Teaching Experience
Pace University
BIO 153, Anatomy and Physiology II, 4 courses.
COM 221, Professional Communication, 1 course.
CRJ 628, Research Colloquium & Cap, 1 course.
MCA 221, Professional Communication, 1 course.
PSY 651Y, Special Tpc:Tchnlgy & Counslng, 1 course.
PSY 690, Counseling 2.0, 3 courses.
UNV 101, First-year Sem:unversity Commu, 1 course.
Non-Credit Instruction
Seminar, New York University Faculty Resource Network, 50 participants. (June 2009 - Present).
Published Intellectual Contributions
Book Chapters
Pulaski Behling, M. M., Klingner, B. G. (2010). The Technological Age of Teaching. In M. Fallon and S. Brown (Ed.), Teaching Inclusively in HIgher Education. Information Age Publishing.
Refereed Journal Articles
Klingner, B. G., Ryan, J. F. (2012). Using Technology to Enhance the Learning Experience: A Case Study in Pedagogy. The National Social Science Technology Journal.
Ryan, J. F., Klingner, B. G. (2012). Changing the Security Culture: Graduate Education in Homeland Security. Journal of The Global Homeland Security Education Network, 1(1), 105-116.
Presentations Given
Klingner, B. G., "Best Practices", "Assessment in an Online/Blended Environment," Pace University. (March 8, 2013).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), International Conference on Online Learning, "Encouraging Innovation From the Ivory Tower: A Model for Online Program Development Within the Academy," Sloan Consoritum, Oceanic 3. (October 12, 2012).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), International Conference on Online Learning, "Encouraging Innovation From the Ivory Tower: A Model for Online Program Development Within the Academy," Sloan Consoritum, Oceanic 3. (October 12, 2012).
Klingner, B. G., Anstendig, L. L., Blackwood, M., Egan, S., Dell, G., Hoeppner, K. D. C., Landa, K., Murphy, E. M., The Association for Authentic, Experimental and Evidence-Based Learning, "Meet the Mahara User Group: A Panel Discussion," Mahara User Group, Boston, MA. (July 17, 2012).
Klingner, B. G., Egan, S. (Presenter), International Conference on Online Learning, "Shrinking the Distance in Distance Learning: Using ePortfolios to Close the Gap in Online Courses," Sloan-C, Orlando, Florida. (November 2011).
Klingner, B. G. (Author & Presenter), Anstendig, L. L. (Author & Presenter), Egan, S. (Author & Presenter), ePortfolios in Learning and Instruction - Visions, Concepts, Experience, "ePortfolios and Faculty Development: Charting the Impact on Teaching, Learning and Campus Culture," University of Education, Freiburg, Germany. (November 18, 2011).
Klingner, B. G., Anstendig, L. L. (Presenter), Burns Feyl, S. (Presenter), Egan, S. (Presenter), Stenerson, J. (Presenter), ePortfolio World Summit 2011, "ePortfolios and Faculty Development: Charting the Impact on Teaching, Learning and Campus Culture," AAEEBL, Boston. (July 27, 2011).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), "Benefits and Challenges of Moving Toward an Intergrated Learning ePortfolio," Albertus Magnus College; New Haven, Connecticut. (November 19, 2010).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), Anstendig, L. L. (Presenter), Assessment Institute, "Moving Towards an Integrated Learning ePortfolio as an "Educational Passport"," Indianapolis, Indiana. (October 25, 2010).
Anstendig, L. L. (Author & Presenter), Klingner, B. G. (Author & Presenter), Assessment Institute, "Moving Towards an Integrated Learning ePortfolio as an," Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN. (October 10, 2010).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), Ravishanker, R. (Presenter), Egan, S. R. (Presenter), "Implementing ePortfolios in Six Months Using an Open Source Solution," NERCOMP Conference, Holy Cross College; Worchester, MA. (September 20, 2010).
Anstendig, L. L. (Author & Presenter), Klingner, B. G. (Author & Presenter), International AAEEBL Conference on ePortfolios, "Building an “Educational Passport”: ePortfolios at," AAEBL, Boston, MA. (July 23, 2010).
Klingner, B. G., Anstendig, L. L. (Presenter), Stenerson, J. (Presenter), Ravishanker, R. (Presenter), Travia, C. (Presenter), Egan, S. R. (Presenter), ePortfolios & The Emergent Learning Ecology, "Building and "Educational Passport": ePortfolios at Pace University Using an Open Source Solution," AAEEBL, Boston, MA. (July 20, 2010).
Klingner, B. G., Variety of audiences in the Pace Community: Dyson College, Management Council, The Board of Trustees, Publishing Department, Criminal Justice Department, and the Center for Academic Excellence, "Introduction to Social Networking," Pace University. (2008).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), Dyson College Fall Conference Day, "Classroom Applications for Web 2.0 Technologies," Pace University, White Plains, NY. (October 31, 2008).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), "The Evolution of Teaching and Learning: f2f + toc= A better blend," National Social Sciences Association (NSSA), Las Vegas, Nevada. (April 2008).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), "Examining the Impact of Teaching Graduate Mental Health Counseling Internships Online," National Social Sciences Association (NSSA), Las Vegas, Nevada. (April 2007).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), Dyson College of Arts and Sciences Annual Faculty Conference, ""Improving Quantitative Literacy Through Online Support Modules" and " Working with Syllabus Wizard and Incorporating Learning Outcomes into Courses"," Dyson College, Pace University. (October 13, 2006).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), "A Pedagogical Partnership Between a Social Scientist and an Instructional Technologist," National Social Sciences Association (NSSA), Las Vegas, Nevada. (April 2006).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), Learning and Technology: Implications for Liberal Education and the Disciplines, "Future Directions for Online Learning in the Arts and Sciences," Association of American Colleges and Universities, Seattle, Washington. (April 20, 2006).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, "Implementation of ePortfolios," Houston, Texas. (March 2002).
Klingner, B. G. (Presenter), "Integration of Technology," Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington D.C.. (January 2002).
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), "Connect to Learning: ePortfolio, Engagement and Student Success," Sponsored by LaGuardia Community College, Federal, $20,000.00. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2014).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Principal), "Using the Pace ePortfolio to Assess Core Values and Beyond," Sponsored by Verizon, Pace University, $8,360.00. (January 2013 - August 2013).
Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), "Connect to Learning," Sponsored by LaGuardia Comm Coll/FIPSE, Federal, $2,000.00. (January 2011 - January 2013).
Anstendig, L. L., Klingner, B. G., "Thinkfinity Verizon Foundation," Sponsored by Verizon. (2011 - 2012).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), "•The Pace Eportfolio as Educational Passport: Enhancing Students' Interdisciplinary, Co-Curricular and Experiential Learning, Thinkfinity Grant from Pace University," Sponsored by Pace University Provost's Grant, Pace University, $15,000.00. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011).
Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), "Thinkfinity Grant," Sponsored by Pace/Verizon, Pace University, $15,000.00. (December 2010 - December 2011).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L., "•Electronic Portfolios Across the Disciplines: Using Technology as an Authentic Assessment Tool," Sponsored by Pace University Provost's Grant, Pace University, $15,000.00. (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2011).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), "Making Connections," Sponsored by LaGuardia Community College, Federal, $8,000.00. (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010).
Anstendig, L. L., Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), "Thinkfinity Verizon Foundation," Sponsored by Verizon. (2009 - 2010).
Klingner, B. G. (Principal), "Enhancing the Mathematical Foundation of Pace University Students Through Online Course Modules," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $164,927.00. (2004 - 2007).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), "Implementing ePortfolios in the Honors College," Sponsored by Presidential Learning Assessment Grant, Pace University, $5,000.00. (January 2004 - December 2004).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), "Investigating Electronic Portfolios," Sponsored by Presidential Learning Assessment Grant, Pace University, $5,000.00. (January 2003 - December 2003).
Klingner, B. G. (Co-Principal), Anstendig, L. L. (Co-Principal), "Portfolio Assessment," Sponsored by Presidential Learning Assessment Grant, Pace University, $5,000.00. (January 2001 - December 2001).
Public Service
Assistant Den Leader, Cub Scouts, Pleasantville, NY.
Board Member on Technology Committee for K-12, Pleasantville School District, Pleasantville, NY.