BA Speech Language Pathology and Audiology

Course Listings

Fall 2008

BIO 101 General Biology 1

CS 201 Computer Science I

ENG 120 Communication Skills: Writing 1

HST 101 Evolution of Western Civilization

RST 101 Religion in a Contemporary World

Spring 2009

BIO 102 General Biology 2

ENG 203 Foundations & Traditions in Literature

HST 201 Tradition & Modernity

PHL 110 Introduction To Philosophy

SCS 101 Intro To Oral Communication

Fall 2009

ENG 204 Literature of the Modern World

PSY 201 General Psychology 1

RST 208 Ethics and Morality

SCS 364 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Mechanism

SCS 365 Intro To Hearing Science

Spring 2010

FPA 246 Digital Photography & Imaging

PHL 210 Moral Philosophy

PSY 202 General Psychology 2

SCS 361 Normal Acquisition Of Speech Language

SCS 368 Speech Pathology 1

Summer 2010

SCS 369 Speech Pathology 2

Fall 2010

MTH 134 Brief Calculus

PSY 212 Child Psychology

SCS 363 Phonetics

SCS 366 Audiology

SPA 103 Elementary Spanish 1

Spring 2011

PSY 210 Educational Psychology

PSY 323 Quantitative Research in Behavioral Science

SCS 301 Clinical Linguistics

SCS 367 Aural Rehabilitation

SPA 104 Elementary Spanish 2

Summer 2011

SCS 401 Internship in Speech Communication

Fall 2011

EDU 201 Principles Procedures of Education

SCS 380 Communication Problems with the Aging

SCS 415 Special Topics in SCS: Narrative & Storytelling

SCS 418 Principles of Clinical Management in Speech Pathalogy 1

Spring 2012

EDU 202 Foundations of Educational Theory

SCS 334 Gender Differences in Human Communication

SCS 419 Principles in Clinical Management Speech Pathology 2

STL 115 Science Technology and Environment

The Beauty Queen of Leenane

In the Fall of 2011, the Iona College Theatre Department put on a production of Irish playwright Martin McDonagh's black comedy, The Beauty Queen of Leenane. Since it was an Irish play the actors needed to speak with Irish accents. In order to help them acquire Irish accents my Speech Pathology Professor and I assisted the actors with accent modification services. I provided recordings of the Irish accent, while my professor analysed the recordings and presented them to the actors in a way that was easy to break down and learn to do. I really enjoyed this experience because it allowed me to combine my cultural background, my interest in speech pathology and my interest in media and communications. It was very rewarding to see what a great job the actors did in the play. Here is the document that broke down the Irish accent in phonetical terms for the actors. 

Creative Commons license


I completed my undergraduate degree at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. I studied Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. I graduated cum laude and was a member of the speech honors society. I had always been fascinated by science, and I love to talk, so naturally this major was the perfect fit for me. The experiences I have had through learning to help others to communicate more effectively made a profound impact on my life. At Iona, one of their slogans is "Earn a degree that matters". Looking back on the experience I now realize just how much it did. During my studies, I had the honor of actually treating a client at the Iona College Speech and Hearing clinic. For a full school year, I helped a little girl with speech difficulties to express herself more clearly. Seeing her progress and watching her grow in confidence week by week, was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

Aside from my academic experience, one of my greatest memories of Iona was the pride everyone took in its rich heritage. Being from Ireland, the sound of the award winning bag pipe band practicing in the evenings as I walked home from class, made it feel like a home away from home.

Any time I hear them play, I am reminded of the college's motto, "Certa bonum certamen" which means fight the good fight. That is probably one of the most important things I took away from my Iona experience, and it's something I strive to do everyday.

I have included papers and projects from some of my favorite classes to share with you. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them.

SCS 334 Gender Differences in Human Communication

The fundamental dilemma that this course asked us to examine was; Is gender innate or is it acquired? This classic nature verses nurture question sparked some lively discussions. Overall we concluded that while certain genetic aspects contribute to gender, gender roles are very much learned behaviors. With this in mind we also explored why gender roles have developed they way they have, whether or not they are positive or negative, and the steps we can all take toward a more gender equal world.

  • Gender Interview Paper Details

    Download Gender Interview Paper [29.2KB]}
    Gender Interview Paper - The purpose of this paper was to explore how people's views on gender, and gender roles have changed over time. In order to gain an in-depth insight into this topic I interviewed 2 people, one belonging to each gender. Both individuals were born in the 1960's, so they were from a different generation to me. I asked them a series of questions relating to their opinions on the topic of gender. My results were intriguing; they serve as a real-life example of the changes that have occurred even in over a relatively short period of time.

FPA 246 Digital Photography & Imaging

This class helped me to discover a new passion that will stay with me through life. Before taking this class, I never fully appreciated the amount of diligence, time, and luck that goes into capturing that perfect shot. My professor for this class required us to take at least 50 photographs a day. He said, that was the amount of clicks it usually takes to get just one captivating image. At first I thought this was a little extreme, but as we progressed I realized just how right he was. During the course of that semester, I discovered so many wonderful things about New York, since that was where I spent my time wandering, clicking, editing, and repeating. I was lucky enough to capture some great images of this beautiful city and its surrounding areas. I have included some of them below. They include; Sunset on a Long Island bay, The bright lights of Times Square, the view of Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry, Snowfall in Westchester, and of course what would any photography class be without a fun, abstract, self-portrait.

SCS 380 Communication Problems with the Aging

This class really helped me understand some of the difficulties elderly people face. I learned to view aging in a much more positive light. I also learned how to better communicate with members of the aging population, which is really everyone because no matter how old we may be we are all in fact, aging. My final project for this class was a group project. We were required to organize and host an event for an aging population. This was a very rewarding experience because it allowed me to put everything I had learned to practical use.

SCS 415 Special Topics in SCS: Narrative & Storytelling

I am sad to say, that no amount of written explanations could ever fully explain what I learned in this class. It was by far my favorite class I have ever taken. Looking back, I think it may have also been one of the most beneficial not just for my brain, but for my heart and soul The written story that I have included below was the only written assignment required for this course. The rest of the class was conducted orally, in the spirit of the true storytelling tradition. I wish that we had recorded some of the wonderful performances that we all gave and experienced. However, due to the extremely personal stories that people told, we decided it was best not to publicize them. All I can say is that thanks to this class, I realized that no matter who they are everyone has their own story to tell. They have their own trials and tribulations, heartaches and heartwarming moments, and hopes and dreams. Thanks to this class, I will always take the time to listen to other peoples' stories and share my own when the time calls. I will not judge others for I know their stories are just as complicated and important as my own. Above all, I will treat everyone with the respect and compassion that all human beings deserve.

SCS 301 Clinical Linguistics

This class truly gave me a deeper understanding of how human language has evolved and continues to evolve. It showed me how all the different components of language combine to give meaning to our communication. As human beings, it is this ability to use language in the way we do that sets us apart from all other species on the planet - fascinating! 

Jessica Scannell's portfolios

5 portfolios