MA Media and Communication Arts

Course Listings

Summer 2012

MCA -696H: Topic: Writing for Media Professionals

Fall 2012

MCA-601: Industry Theory and Practice

MCA-696K: Topic:Corperate Event Design

MCA-602: Writing for Organizations

Spring 2013

MCA-625-: Corporate Communication and Reputation 


MCA-620: Media Relations 

Summer 2013

MCA-693: Internship  


Report Writing


Group Presentations

Jessica Scannell's portfolios

5 portfolios


I am currently completing my MA degree in Media and Communication Arts at Pace University. I began taking classes in the Summer of 2012. Since then, I have a gained a wealth of knowledge about the Media and Communications industry that I know with prove to be extremely valuable to me in my future career.

The thing I like most about the program is the fact that all of the professors have so much experience in their respective fields. Many of them currently work in the field and lecture at the same time. I find that this brings a very practical dimension to my in-class experiences. 

The projects I have completed for my classes using the skills my professors have taught me are all very relevant to a real-life working environment. I have shared with you some of the various types of assignments I have created during my time here at Pace. I am glad that I now know how to create similar pieces of work to the ones shown here. These are things that I believe are essential for any media and communications professional to be able to do. 

Media Relations

I loved this class because it gave me the opportunity to design my own Media Relations Campaign. I created the "Fashion Fights FGM" campaign which would aim increase awareness and prevent the brutal practice of FGM. Here are images of some of the graphic elements I created for this project. You can also download a full copy of the poject below.


Social Media is quickly becoming one of the driving forces in the communications indusrty. With this in mind bloggers have gained much attention in recent times. Their power to reach a large number of people mean their opinions are often regarded as highly as traditional journalists. At Pace, this trend recognised and a as a result I have been requiring to maintain a numbber blogs during the course of my studies.

Below is an extract from the blog I wrote for my final project in my Creative Writing for Media Professionals Class. I have also included a downloadable version of the full text. 

Everyone tells stories - even journalists...

Posted by Jessica Scannell at Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:41:23 PM EDT

Bill Wren, states that "A story is people involved in events told by people to people." Therefore, according to him "Storytelling, then, is the telling of that story, regardless of the medium." A recent visit to Belfast City, in Northern Ireland solidified this point for me. Journalists and people alike can use any medium they wish to tell their story; be it spoken word, video, images, data or a combination of any of these or other mediums. People can use paintings and murals tell a story too. Like I previously mentioned, a person's inner judgment and viewpoint of an event will always be reflected in how they tell the story of that event, regardless of the medium.

Belfast City, has been the center of debate and violence for many years. In a nutshell, the City's residents are divided between Catholics who are mainly Republican and would like to see Northern Ireland become united with the South, and Protestants who are mainly Unionists and want Northern Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom. Over a thirty year period, known as the troubles, tensions and violence from opposing sides were at an all-time high. Many of the city's murals now reflect this history, the same stories, from very different viewpoints. The divides are clear to see even today. The people have used the murals, as a way to tell their stories, and share their opinions of the same events in very different ways. During my visit I was able to photograph some of the most eye-catching murals from the respective areas.

Catholic and Protestant Area Murals in Belfast City. 

Examine these images. Take from them what you may. The bottom line is. Journalists are people. People tell stories. It is part of being human. People's viewpoints of events are always reflected in how they tell their stories, whether they are journalists or not!

Web Design

My effective web design course has opened my eyes to the world of web design. I now understand the importance of information archecture and effective planning before building a website. I have also become much more proficient in HTML coding. I enjoyed this course because not only did it provide me with essential skills for the future but it also allowed me to create a platform to dispaly the work of one of my favorite hobbies; my photography. I created a website called "Oh the places I've been". It is a photo tour Ireland. I grew up in Ireland and I have never grown tired of the beauty of its landscape. Every time I'm home I try to take as many photographs as I can. I have travelled all over the country and now I have the opportunity to share what I have seen on my own website. 

I planned the information architecture of my website by designing this flow chart for my effective web communication course.                                                                      Here is a screen shot of one of the pages from my website. Follow this link: to check out the whole thing.