Somewhere behind the athlete you've become,

the hours of practice,

and the coaches who have pushed you,

is a little girl  who fell in love with the game

and never looked back...

Play for her!

- The above quote pretty much sums how I feel about the game of basketball. As a child I grew to love and respect the game. That commitment has remained with me to this day. I owe this game a debt of gratitude. Basketball  has opened up opportunities in my life that would never have been possible without it.

Because of basketball, I have travelled throughout Europe representing my country at European Championships. I have received a wonderful college education both at undergraduate and graduate levels. I have moved to the United States and been given my chance at the American Dream. Most importantly, I have made life long friendships with some amazing people who have made me a better person.

I love this game and I will be forever grateful to it. In the future, I hope to give back to the game by inspiring young people to love it too and share in the same rewarding journey that I have. 

I have had the honor of representing Ireland at 3 European Championships. The first time I played for my country was at u16 level in Estonia. I then went on to captain the u18 Irish National Team at the 2007 European Championships in Romania. I also played for the Senior Irish National Team in 2009. The 2009 European Championships were very special to me because my father was the team's coach that year. Playing for my Dad on the international stage is a great memory that I will always cherish.

"Do you know who this is?

I am the most desirable thing in life. Without me no one can be healthy, happy, or useful. Without me, the hidden wealth and vast resources of this earth would have no value.

Men and women who try to get along without me are characterless, selfish, undeveloped, useless, and unprofitable members of society.

I am behind every fortune, every art and science, every real achievement, and every victory.

People try to find substitutes for me hoping to secure a larger measure of happiness, peace, and satisfaction, but they are always left bitterly disappointed. Instead of gain, every substitute for me brings them loss.

I am greater than wealth, power, fame, or any acquired possession because I am the true source to which those things are acquired.

Who am I?

I am  hard work."

- I find this quote to be very true and very inspiring both in life and in basketball. I read this quote and use it as motivation before games. I hope it also inspires you to live or play to your potential.

Pace University

I am currently a member of the Pace University Women's Basketball team. I feel privileged to have the opportunity work with such a wonderful group of players and coaches. I play the point guard position.  This position requires leadership and responsibility, which are qualities I try to bring every time I play the game. This is going to be my last year of inter-collegiate athletics, so naturally I am very excited about what lies ahead! Here is a link to updates on our team's performances.

I was a member of the Iona College Basketball Team for four years. I really enjoyed this experience. I became a better and stronger player because of it. It was at Iona that I really learned the value of hard work and perseverance. Here is a link to some footage of me in action with the Gaels.

Jessica Scannell's portfolios

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